General Education Committee 2011-12 Report The committee approved and forwarded the following curricular proposals: new course for goal 13: GNED 400: Exploring Public Issues Through Writing (approved by EPC, approved by Faculty Senate) guidelines for GNED-prefixed courses (approved by EPC, amended and approved by Faculty Senate): GNED-prefixed Courses (as approved by Faculty Senate October 13, 2011) Courses with the GNED prefix provide opportunities for faculty collaboration—in particular, team teaching across disciplines—and interdisciplinary approaches to subject matter. At the same time, since they do not reside in a specific department and may be staffed by faculty members coming from different departments, they do not have the oversight that a department exercises over the sections of its courses. These guidelines are meant both to encourage the development of GNED-prefixed courses and to address this question of oversight: 1. Courses offered or proposed with the GNED prefix should promote faculty collaboration and must involve interdisciplinary approaches or subject matter. 2. Once a GNED-prefixed course is approved, the course will be listed in the General Education section of the catalog. 3. Individual sections of the course may be offered only with the approval of the Director of General Education. Before offering a section of the course for the first time, faculty members shall participate in a GNED-prefixed course faculty development seminar. 4. The Director of General Education is responsible for approving sections before they are added to the schedule, and then collecting a syllabus for each section. He or she will also receive the assessment findings collected by the instructors of each section (following the assessment plan approved with the course) and enter them into WEAVEonline. deletion of PHYS 101 and 201 as general education courses and addition of an exemption statement to goal 6, whereby students who complete PHYS 102 or 202 are exempt from the goal (approved by EPC, approved by Faculty Senate) change of title for HLTH 210 to Global Health (approved by EPC, approved by Faculty Senate) designation of MANG 474, a goal 12 course, as writing intensive (approved by EPC) new course for goal 5: FINA 250 (pending in EPC) The committee reviewed the 2010-11 general education course assessment departments entered into WEAVEonline. The committee sent an e-mail to each department listing which of its courses had complete assessment (including action plan), which courses had complete assessment except for action plan, and which courses had incomplete or unclear assessment (with the category specified in parentheses). The table below shows aggregate information: Review rubric for assessment of general education courses# Reviewer: GEC Date: 11/21/2011 Course: ALL No Unclear Yes Comments The mission is the catalog description of the course. 82% The goal for which the course has been designated is properly identified. 92% The outcomes for the corresponding goal are all listed. 92% For each outcome, “associations” are made to the Strategic Plan, Standards, and SCHEV competencies based on the curriculum map.* A direct measure (assessment instrument) for student learning is identified for each outcome. The measure will yield information that can lead to changes. 68% Each measure includes a target for student achievement. 49% Several departments were using 2010-11 findings as a baseline to help set targets Findings that provide specific and meaningful information have been entered for each measure. 54% An action plan informed by assessment results and linked to specific findings is present. 41% *not expected in 2011-12; for future reference #doesn’t include courses not offered since 2009 For action plans (check all that apply): The action plan includes changes in: course design instructional delivery assessment methodology achievement targets faculty development / training other Comments BIOL 101 CHEM 101 FREN 342 GEOG 220 MATH 121 MUSC 222 MATH 171 PHED 101 POSC 150 POSC 331 POSC 332 BIOL 101 CHEM 101 GEOG 220 HLTH 210 LSEM 100 MATH 121 MATH 171 MUSC 222 PHED 101 POSC 150 POSC 255 POSC 331 POSC 332 CHEM 101 COMM 400 ENGL 201 ENGL 202 ENGL 203 ENGL 400 HIST 100 HIST 110 HIST 200 HIST 221 HIST 222 HLTH 210 LSEM 100 MATH 121 MATH 171 PHED 101 PSYC 101 CMSC 121 ENGL 400 HIST 100 HIST 110 HIST 200 LSEM 100 MATH 114 MATH 121 MATH 131 MATH 171 MATH/CMSC 350 PSYC 101 LSEM 100 CMSC 121 MATH 114 MATH 121 MATH 131 MATH 171 The committee discussed whether the procedure it uses to do next year’s review should be any different. Members agreed that the procedure used this year should be followed again. The committee received a report on the progress and procedures for assessment of the SCHEV competencies. Also, the committee recognizes and thanks David Shoenthal and Melissa Panzarello for their work in organizing the General Education Film Series this year and thanks the faculty members who introduced the films: Title Introduce Garbage Dreams Carl Riden Catfish Pam Tracy Let the Right One In David Magill My Dog Tulip Derek Taylor -------------- The Illusionist Wade Edwards The English Surgeon Melissa Panzarello The First Movie Jeff Halliday Meek's Cutoff Lara Fergeson Exit Through the Gift Shop Alex Grabiec Committee members: Mc Amoss (chair), Chrys Kosarchyn, Pat Lust, Pam Tracy, Linda Wright, Chris McGee (ex officio), Larissa Fergeson (ex officio) with help from Linda Townsend (Coordinator of Assessment) and Susan May