Delegation of Authority to Hire Academic and Administrative Employees 1004


The purpose of this policy is to assign a delegation of authority to hire academic and administrative employees.


  1. Whereas, the Code of Virginia, Section 23-188, requires the Longwood University Board of Visitors to appoint and fix the salaries of the President and all professors, teachers and agents; and
  2. Whereas, the Code section provides that the Board may make all needful rules and regulations concerning the University, employment of all employees, and generally direct the University's affairs; and
  3. Whereas, the Board has found from time to time that exigencies of administering the affairs of the University require immediate hiring of employees before such time as this board may convene and act; and
  4. Whereas, the Administration of the University is well qualified to recruit, evaluate and employ persons holding proper academic or other appropriate credentials;
  5. Now Be It Therefore Resolved by the Longwood Board of Visitors that certain hiring authority now vested in the Board ought to be and hereby is delegated to the President and the administration of the University; and
  6. Be It Further Resolved that such delegation shall include the authority to appoint all necessary academic and administrative employees where immediate action is deemed by the President to be in the best interest of the University, provided that all such appointments shall be subject to subsequent board affirmation, and further, that such delegation shall not apply to the appointment of the President or vice presidents of the University.

Approved by the Board of Visitors April 5, 1984.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.