Annual Crime and Sexual Misconduct Training 2032


This policy requires training of employees, students or third parties on the reporting of crimes, fires, missing persons, and issues of all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, dating and relationship violence, and stalking. Training shall be conducted annually during each calendar year.


  1. Crimes: Notice of who to report crimes to at the institution.
  2. Fire Safety: Notice of who to report an active fire to and who to report evidence of a fire to if the employee or student is not sure if Campus Police has responded.
  3. Missing Persons: Notice of who to report a missing person to at the institution.
  4. Sexual Misconduct: Notice of who to report sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, dating and relationship violence, and stalking) and discrimination (Title IX) to at the institution. Such training shall include:
    1. Initial and ongoing education programs to promote the awareness of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, dating and relationship violence, stalking, and discrimination, which shall include primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and annual training for employees.
    2. Annual notice of procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and discrimination, sexual assault, sexual violence, dating and relationship violence, and stalking.


  1. Any Longwood University employee that fails to complete the mandatory annual training will receive a letter from the Human Resource Department Director advising the employee that they are ineligible to receive pay increases or promotions and shall have their Longwood University IT account suspended until the training is complete.

Employees that violate this policy in a second or subsequent offense shall be referred to the applicable Vice President for disciplinary action or possible termination.

Approved by the Board of Visitors, June 10, 2016