The Digital Education Collaborative (DEC) and the Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE) are offering a series of workshops to help instructors prepare courses for the fall 2020 semester. These workshops will focus on pedagogy (why we do what we do) and technology (how to use appropriate tools) for in-person, hybrid, and online teaching and learning environments.

Remaining topics include:

Teaching Writing 

Teaching Speaking 

How Do I Manage this?: Integrating Diversity, Inclusion, and the Lived Experience into the Learning Environment

Teaching, Learning and Effective Communication Practices

Faculty Well-Being


We will emphasize developing practices that are specific to your course context; therefore, prior to each session, faculty will complete a situational analysis of the course(s). Each session will be 90 minutes with the option of an additional 30 minutes small group discussion for more focused mentoring. 


This week’s workshops:

Teaching Writing Online

Facilitators: Heather Lettner-Rust, CAFE Teaching Writing Consultant; Marcus Christian, Instructional Designer, DEC

Using writing as a thinking and assessment tool for teaching is a great way to understand where your students are. You’ll see their strengths and their gaps in thinking and in style. As we move forward to the fall, teaching and using writing in the online classroom can be a useful shift in tools that supplement or replace your current practices. During the workshop, we will discuss ways to support your course outcomes and ways to utilize tools already in Canvas (paper markup, electronic rubrics, and Grade Assist).

Tuesday, August 18 from 1-2:30pm


Teaching, Learning and Effective Communication Practices

Facilitators: Pam Tracy, Director, CAFE; Julie Mersiowsky, Director, DEC

In this session, we will consider effective communication practices to stay connected with students, develop community, and encourage student resiliency within the specific context of your course(s). We will discuss specific relational and learning communication strategies and useful technology to help you achieve your goals.

Wednesday, August 19 from 1:00-2:30pm


How Do I Manage this?: Integrating Diversity, Inclusion, and the Lived Experience into the Learning Environment

Facilitators: Dana Miller Kieran, Director of Disability Resources/ADA Coordinator; Shayla Betts, Assistant Professor of Social Work; Jonathan Page, Director of Multicultural Affairs

In recent events, from the pandemic through the climate of social unrest, it is now more important than ever that faculty and staff meet the needs of our students in and beyond the classroom.  In this session, we will focus on strategies and practical takeaways to implement within courses, provide an understanding of backgrounds and characteristics of students as they return to campus, and address key pedagogical challenges that the current climate has created.  Additional supporting resources will be provided.

Thursday, August 20 from 1-2:30pm


Teaching Speaking

Facilitators: Kris Paal, Teaching Speaking Consultant, CAFÉ; CAFE; Marcus Christian, Instructional Designer, DEC

With fall quickly approaching, join us  for an in-depth presentation and discussion on how to reach your student learning outcomes through engaging speaking assignments, instruction, and delivery options for students.  During the workshop we will discuss such things as audience analysis, creating speaking content, delivery approaches, and rubrics.  Additionally, we will address best practices for creating and assessing speaking assignments in an online environment, with attention given to technology resources available through Canvas and beyond.

Friday, August 21 from 1-2:30pm

All workshops before August 17th are Zoom sessions.
All workshops are 1:00pm to 2:30 pm, unless indicated otherwise. 

You can register for sessions @  link expired


If you are unable to attend a workshop, CAFE and DEC offer one-on-one appointments and small group sessions for programs and departments.