Care Team

The Care Team approach seeks to instill self-advocacy and connect students to the proper office(s) that will provide the best resource(s) for their unique concerns. Reports to Care Team are reviewed during normal business hours by staff in the Office of Dean of Students (DOS). An initial assessment will be conducted on every report, in many cases, the outcome of this initial assessment is simply to offer support and resources to the student of concern. In some cases, a more in-depth analysis by the Care Team may occur to determine the next steps of follow up and resource referral. All reported information will be retained to assist in identifying potential behavioral patterns.

If there is a concern for safety, DOS staff will assist those who report to contact the appropriate on-campus support and resources. If there is a potential threat, the report will be referred to the Threat Assessment Team for follow up and intervention as appropriate to mitigate or manage the threat. While maintaining privacy is a Care Team goal, please be aware that reports and other communication may be subject to review as outlined in federal and Commonwealth laws and regulations. DOS staff will follow up with the reporting party as appropriate, while being mindful of the privacy of all parties involved.

Scope of Work

  • Receives reports of non-emergent concern (including medical issues), disruptive, problematic, violent, or concerning behavior by students, faculty/staff and community members
  • Determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, warning/notification and response
  • Deploys its resources, and the resources of the campus community, and coordinates follow-up

Response Protocols

The Care Team responds to concerning behavior in a variety of ways, based on the level of concern. Actions may include:

  • Reaching out to the student to express concern and ask about their wellbeing
  • Meeting with the student(s) involved to discuss:
    Student Needs, Campus and Community Resources, Behavioral Expectations
  • Referring the student to campus programs and services (Counseling and Psychological Services, Accessibility Resources, Financial Aid, Student Success, tutoring etc.)
  • Notifying and coordinating with campus partners (LUPD, University Health, etc.)
  • Follow-up actions as necessary


The Care Team employs an online process for people to report concerns regarding students. To express concern about a student, please utilize the online form, or contact the Dean of Students Office at 434.395.2492.
