The IRB reviews and approves human subjects research at Longwood University.
The eProtocol is the electronic gateway for submission, review, approval, and tracking of human subjects research protocols at Longwood University.
eProtocol Investigator Quick Guide (PDF)
Faculty Principal Investigator: Human Subjects Research Supervisors CITI Certificate
Lead Student-Investigator: Human Subjects Research Supervisors CITI Certificate
Faculty Mentor: Human Subjects Research Supervisors CITI Certificate
Co-Investigators (faculty or students): Human Subjects Research CITI Certificate
CITI Program Training Instructions
Note: CITI training is module based. You may have completed some or all of the required modules for the certifications listed when completing other certifications. You must select the certification needed (e.g. HSR Supervisors) to get that particular certification. You will not have to repeat modules that you have completed for other certifications.
Face-to-face and drop-in office hours:
Zoom consultations are available by appointment: email to schedule
HHS IRB number: IRB00008677
FWA number: FWA00019433