2024-2025 IRB Members

  • Jo Morrison (Chair, Kinesiology)
  • Eric Laws (Psychology)
  • Jackie Secoy (Music)
  • Becca Brusseau (Education)
  • Julia Maserjian (Community Member)
  • Larry Collins (Biology)*
  • Gregg Harbaugh-Schattenkirk (Mathematics and Computer Science)*
  • Alison King (Communication Sciences and Disorders)*
  • Tom PlaHovinsak (Economics)*
  • Ryan Stouffer (Communication Studies)*

*Alternate member

  • Alternate members participate in discussion and review of protocols but do not vote on protocol approval.  Alternate members participate in the development of Standards and Procedures and vote on final adoption of Standards and Procedures.
  • IRBs are required to have at least five members including one non-scientist and one non-affiliated member.  
  • Quorum for all votes is a simple majority that must include a non-scientist member.