Term Contracts

Term contracts have been established by the Institutions, the Colleges and Universities Cooperative Procurement Group (CUCPG on behalf of VASCUPP), the Department of General Services' Division of Purchases and Supply and VITA. Term contract vendors offer favorable prices for a wide variety of goods and services from reliable vendors and should be regarded as the preferred procurement source to obtain more favorable prices through volume purchasing and to reduce procurement lead time and administrative effort. In accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, the University may issue purchase orders in any amount for goods or services from these contracts.

Use of term contract sources is not mandatory, but it is strongly encouraged. Alternative commercial sources should not be selected based on personal preference. Rather, a business-related reason should exist for any decision to not use a term contract. Examples include situations where the contract vendor does not offer the exact time or service required, where more favorable price or delivery is available, or where better quality is available.

If any contract vendor does not meet performance expectations, it is important to advise the contracting officer of the situation so that appropriate action may be taken.

Mandatory Sources

Virginia Correctional Enterprises (VCE)

This is a mandatory contract and includes all such services, articles and commodities produced or manufactured or provided by state correctional facilities and shall be purchased by all departments of the University.  Products include, but are not limited to; wood and metal case goods, seating, office systems, embroidery, silk screening, pad holders and sign products, microfilming and data storage, and pallets.  Information on these goods and services available from VCE can be viewed online at https://www.govce.net.  The Office of Procurement Services must request a release from this contract, prior to ordering from other sources.

When requesting release from a state contract or mandatory source, written justification, in the proper format, must be attached to the Purchase Order.  Please reach out to the Office of Procurement Services for the release process.