Books about African-American soldiers
Books about African-American soldiers

For Black History Month, the Greenwood Library has special displays of books and films. The atrium bookcase and the display case near the front doors feature a fascinating selection of books focused on African-American soldiers throughout history, while on the second floor, the Children’s Literature Room face-out bookcase holds children’s and YA books by African-American authors.

Research Services Librarian Natalie Browning has put together a unique and helpful research guide specifically on African-American History topics.  These are available for faculty and students on the Greenwood Library website:

Many thanks to Marketing and Outreach librarian Vicki Palmer, Research Services librarians Sarah Reynolds and Natalie Browning, and Library Information Associate EJ Wulff.  Thanks also to CLSJE student worker Theo Burton for the photos they took.

Children's books for Black History Month   Black History films