Hispanic books and dvds on display
Hispanic books and dvds on display

Hispanic Heritage Month runs September 15th to October 15th, and Greenwood Library highlights the month with a display case of Hispanic books in the downstairs atrium. In addition, the DVD area has a table displaying an eclectic variety of DVDs showcasing Hispanic actors and directors.

The library’s website features a “Social Justice Heritage Monthly Guide” ( (http://libguides.longwood.edu/c.php?g=716414 )which contains a large selection of resources arranged “by heritage and/or history months.” Click on this Greenwood Library link to find fascinating and helpful information on Hispanic life and culture:


Kudos to Marketing and Outreach librarian Vicki Palmer, Research Services Librarian Natalie Browning, and Library Information Associate Sandra Haynie for their dedicated work on highlighting Hispanic Heritage month for patrons of the Greenwood Library!