August 15, 2018
All parking requests (visitor parking, individual spaces and event parking) will now be managed via the campus scheduling system.
August 15, 2018
The opening faculty meeting of the 2018-19 year is Friday, August 17, 8:30am, beginning with breakfast in the Blackwell Foyer followed by the meeting in the Blackwell Ballroom.
July 20, 2018
Learn about the library's Special Collections and Archives, digital historical resources, and an upcoming genealogy workshop.
June 21, 2018
Parents and New Students check out our Financial Aid 2018 Summer Newsletter
June 13, 2018
Faculty Senate meeting time schedule for the 2018-19 session.
June 01, 2018
Resources from Greenwood Library available during the Summer
May 09, 2018
Effects of Social Media on Communication at the 2018 Agee Lecture
May 09, 2018
Marie Ireland's presentation on the Effects of Poverty on Communication at the 2017 Agee Lecture
May 09, 2018
As a part of the Spring Symposium for Research and Creative Inquiry, 63 Longwood graduate students, spanning six programs, participated in the 3rd annual Graduate Research Symposium.
May 09, 2018
Undergraduate students recognize faculty mentors
May 04, 2018
Graduate student Brittany Bishop of the Counselor Education program is recently published in the Counseling and Values Journal with her article “Advocating for Atheist Clients in the Counseling Profession.
April 30, 2018
The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences is proud to present the winners of the 2018 scholarships and awards.
April 30, 2018
In a world with so much water, how can it be at risk? In a recent editorial for the Richmond Times Dispatch, Dr. Dina Leech explains how human activities threaten the world's precious freshwater resources and what everyday citizens can do to help.