Heather Brockwell and Keyara Brickhouse represent Longwood University's CSD undergraduate program at ASHA's Student Hill Day 2017
Heather Brockwell and Keyara Brickhouse represent Longwood University's CSD undergraduate program at ASHA's Student Hill Day 2017

Heather Brockwell and Keyara Brickhouse, two undergraduate students from the Longwood University CSD program, had the opportunity to meet with their state representatives and senators on Capitol Hill to discuss legislature important for the future of our profession. As the only student group representing the State of Virginia, these Longwood University students joined 100 other students from other institutions around the nation to bring audiology and speech-language pathology issues to the offices of their representatives in Congress. We are so proud of our CSD Longwood University students and their commitment to advocacy for our profession! Thank you Keyara and Heather!