Finding the appropriate funding source for your research or project can be a tedious and time-consuming task. The OSPR can assist faculty and staff for in identifying funding of original projects and particular areas of interest. Once we are aware of your project interests we can provide individualized searches and help to identify funding opportunities that are a match for your project.
Contact us to discuss further information on locating grant opportunities, setting up grant searches, and other issues related to grant development.
This website contains numerous tools for locating funding opportunities, including a number of free and University-subscribed funding databases, lists of external funding opportunities, an array of funding newsletter services and numerous grant writing tools. If you should need assistance with these or other services provided by the Office Sponsored Programs & Research, please contact us. offers a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. The site houses information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for 26 federal grant-making agencies.
Foundation Directory The Foundation Directory is the leading source of information about funding for the non-profit sector. The online database can only be accessed from computers in the Greenwood Library. Its free and available to use anytime the library is open. The Foundation Center, which maintains the Directory, offers a variety of free search tools, tutorials, and downloadable reports. The Philanthropy News Digest is a daily news service featuring current funding opportunities offered by foundations and other grant making organizations.
Federal Register The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of funding for Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. Any notice of funding opportunity that is published in the Federal Register also will be posted in The Dept. of Education (US ED) routinely publishes its grant announcements in the Federal Register in addition to
Google is the largest search engine with more than five billion URLs. If you are doing an initial search to get a sense of the landscape for funding in an area of interest, try Google’s ‘Search within Results’ utility to help refine search strings quickly.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to explore these resources and contact OSPR to develop a funding strategy for a particular project or area of interest.
National Science Foundation Update: The National Science Foundation Update allows users to register to receive email notifications of various announcements from NSF, including alerts of new funding opportunities. To subscribe, go to and enter your email address and subscription preferences.