A Formative Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

"Sure, the students like your programs and services, but what evidence do you have that what you are doing is making a difference?"

~ Terenzini and Upcraft, p.217

This quote by P. T. Terenzini and M.L. Upcraft illustrates why Longwood's Division of Student Affairs uses learning as a critical feedback mechanism. Each department engages in a 7-step Learning Plan process to:

  • define our philosophy toward learning
  • incorporate Longwood's six student development goals
  • outline desired learning outcomes
  • design activities and interactions that encourage achievement of the learning outcomes
  • assess whether or not the learning occurred
  • examine the results
  • plan future actions based on the results.

Learning Plans and their outcomes also serve to provide evidence of what should be done to improve delivery and to modify planning.

Learning Plan Assessments

Learning Assessment 2006-2007

Learning Assessment 2005-2006

Learning Assessment 2004-2005

Learning Assessment 2003-2004