Student Handbook FAQ

I want to file a complaint; how do I do that?

Check the Code of Conduct and/or the Honor Code of Conduct for the appropriate violation(s). Print out the proper form from the Forms page.  Fill the form out, and submit it to the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity.  Questions about the appropriate violation(s), forms, the disciplinary process, etc., can be answered by the Student Conduct and Integrity staff at 434.395.2490.

If you wish to file a Title IX Complaint, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.   

What is a "Respondent"/"Complainant"?

The "Respondent" is the student who has been charged with an alleged violation of the Honor or Conduct Codes.

The "Complainant" is the person who has filed a complaint charging a student with an alleged violation of the Honor or Conduct Codes.  The Complainant may be a faculty member, staff member or student, and does not necessarily have to be directly involved in an incident.

Why am I being held responsible for something that happened off campus?

Longwood University and the Farmville/Prince Edward community have a long standing cooperative agreement to work together when there are conduct situations involving students off-campus.   Students who are caught violating local ordinances, State, and Federal laws by local Police and/or Sheriffs may have the alleged violation referred to Longwood's disciplinary system as well as the local court.  More information about this agreement is in the Student Handbook.

Some examples of Longwood conduct standards applicable off-campus include, but are not limited to:

  • Illegal Possession/Use of Weapons or Explosives
  • Possession/Distribution of Drugs
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Sexual Misconduct        
  • Hazing 
  • Noise
  • Alcohol and/or Drugs (State Laws and/or Longwood Policies)
  • Violence to Persons or Attempted Violence/Mistreatment of Persons
  • Property (Damaging, Vandalizing, or Tampering)
  • Obscene or Indecent Behavior
  • Physical Well-Being
  • Littering
  • Student Rights and Privileges (interfering with another student's rights as outlined in the Handbook)
  • Stealing
  • Lying
  • Possessing/Using a False Identification

It is important to remember "Citizen Leadership" doesn't stop at the border of campus: it means being a good citizen and community member both on campus and in the local community. Poor judgment/behavior off-campus by even one person reflects on all of us who work and study here at Longwood.

Why do I have to go to a Hearing?

A complaint has been filed against you; possibly by another student, a staff member, faculty member, or member of the community.  In order for the complaint to be resolved, you should attend the hearing.  It will not be held against you if you do not go, but it is to your advantage to attend.

What are my rights?

A Hearing is not a Court of Law.  The systems are run differently, and you do not have the same procedural rights you might have in a court situation.  Nevertheless, you are guaranteed to have notice of the allegations and the right to testify.

Your basic rights are:

  • A presumption of innocence unless found responsible
  • Written notice of charges lodged against you.
  • An opportunity to review disciplinary procedures with the Director of Student Conduct and Integrity prior to the hearing.
  • The opportunity to examine any evidence.
  • The opportunity to attend a hearing.
  • The opportunity to appeal the results of the hearing if they are not in your favor.

You have other procedural rights that can be found in the .

What are the major differences between a Hearing and a Court Trial?

  • Unlike the court system, the University is not required to hold to the standard of "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt".  The courts have realized that this standard is impractical for student disciplinary hearings, and believe that the question of a student's responsibility for violating  behavioral regulations may be set to a lower standard.  Longwood University uses the standard of  "A Preponderance of the Evidence".
  • Hearings are closed. By law, no spectators, character witnesses, or other unnecessary people are allowed in the room.
  • University Hearings are not required to follow Federal Rules of Evidence, nor follow courtroom procedure.
  • Universities may restrict the participation of legal counsel in hearings.  Longwood Students are allowed to bring a lawyer to a Hearing. In this instance, however, the role of counsel is restricted to consultation only.

Specific Hearing Procedures can be found in the Student Handbook. 

How do I prepare for the Hearing?

To start with, read the Student Handbook. Make an appointment with Student Conduct and Integrity staff to review your case and ask questions.  Think about the situation and what happened--write down your thoughts. If you have witnesses, make sure you let them know when and where the hearing is.  If you are the Respondent; decide how you want to plead in the Hearing.

My Hearing is with an Administrative Hearing & Agreed Resolution Officer.  Who is that?

Administrative Hearing & Agreed Resolution Officers are staff members in the Division of Student Affairs.  They hear cases where there are special circumstances related to the students involved, the nature of the incident, time of the semester, etc.  They may issue sanctions up to expulsion. More information is in the .

My Hearing is with University Disciplinary Board.  What is that?

The University Disciplinary Board (UDB) is composed of two faculty, two staff, and two students. The UDB hears very serious and or confidential cases, and may issue sanctions up to expulsion. More information is in the .

Will my parents/guardians find out?

If you have been found responsible for an alcohol or drug violation, your parents/guardians will be notified of the violation.  Your parents/guardians normally will not receive information on any other type of violation, although it is a very good idea for you to tell them and talk about what happened.  In most situations, you must sign a release form for your parents/guardians to allow them access to your disciplinary records.  More information is in the . 

 I don't agree with the results of my Hearing; what can I do?

Respondents can appeal the results of a hearing for only three reasons:

  • Your due process rights as defined in the Longwood University Student Handbook were violated;
  • There is new evidence that you were not able to present at the hearing;
  • The sanction you received is too harsh considering the violation.

You have five (5) business days from when you receive your letter from the Associate Dean of Conduct & Integrity to file an appeal application.  Your application must meet at least one of the three criteria to even be considered.  Remember, an appeal is not a rehearing of your case! The appeal board or officer will make a decision on the information you present in your appeal. You may be called for an interview, but no other witnesses or testimony will be heard. Appeal forms are found on the Forms page, and more information about appeals is in the .

 My question isn't here!

Check the Student Handbook, or call the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity at 434.395.2940.