Students who conducted independent research projects as part of Longwood University's STEM-H PRISM program will present their research during the Spring Student Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry on April 22.


Please tune in to the live, virtual Zoom session between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM on Wednesday April 22 to hear about their research. Topics will include:


Cancer Mutations Alter the Coactivator Activity of p300 Core

Assessment of Agnostic Interactions between Native and Invasive Crayfish using Novel Video Tracking System

- The effects of mouth guard use for sport performance enhancement on indices of neuromuscular force and power

 - Conceptualizing Chemistry in Three Layers 

Investigating aliphatic phosphazenes as quaternary amine cation (QAC) mimics

Characterization of cellular targets and derivatization of a choline-appended Pt anticancer therapeutics

Non-negative matrix factorization

Non-Local Kernel Approximation

 - Maximum Surface Area Polytopes Inscribed in the Unit Sphere in R3

-  Fish Foraging and Freshwater ‘Browning’: The Balance Between Visual, Chemical, and Mechanical Cues in Searching for Zooplankton Prey

Exposing the Hidden Genetic Character of Non-Model Organisms


and more! Please sign-on for the live session to hear about the students' research. The Zoom Session details are below. Many students will also post recordings or slides summarizing their research to view after the live session.

Topic: PRISM Spring Showcase for Research and Creative Inquiry

Time: Apr 22, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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