Environmental Protection Policy 2017


The purpose of this policy is to guide Longwood University operations as they relate to the Institution's impact on the environment.


Longwood University will reduce its negative impact on the natural environment and conduct operations in an environmentally responsible manner while incorporating the following:

  1. Environmental Compliance: Meet, and where practical, exceed all applicable State and Federal environmental laws and regulations.
  2. Continual Improvement: Continually improve the University's Environmental Management System and make it an integral part of our standard business practices.
  3. Stewardship: Preserve the natural environment. Save and approve through conservation, managing resources responsibly and implementing best management practices.
  4. Education: Raise awareness of environmental issues by incorporating environmental education, management and training in objectives and practices.
  5. Pollution Prevention: Reduce and prevent the introduction of pollutants, including physical, biological and chemical, into the environment and minimize the use of toxic substances seeking alternatives where available.
  6. Respond: Respond to environmental incidents at University facilities appropriately and efficiently.
  7. Planning: Develop and periodically review environmental objectives and targets as part of maintaining the University's Environmental Management System.

Approved by the Board of Visitors, September 11, 2009