Record of Interdepartmental Property Movement or Transfer Document


Tracking form for transfers of equipment or property to another department.

Owner: Materiel Management & Purchasing

*New* Student Banner Security Class Request Document


Owner: User Support Services

*NEW* Student Worker Access Request Form Document


Owner: User Support Services

Academic Affairs Strategic Plan – 2023 - 2026 Document


The purpose of this plan is to expand upon documents like the University Strategic Plan, and to serve as a bridge to the end of that plan in 2025. This plan also provides an umbrella under which main initiatives within Academic Affairs are gathered. Many existing goals and endeavors have been captured, ranging from the University Diversity Plan to program goals of offices/departments within Academic Affairs.

Owner: Academic Affairs

Academic Credentials Guidelines Document


Use this table to evaluate the academic qualifications of potential hires and complete the Certification of Credentials forms.  Questions? Call Dr. David Shoenthal, x2193.

Owner: Accreditation & Compliance