Non-discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation on the Basis of Disability 2034


Longwood University is committed to providing equal access to employment and educational opportunities for persons with disabilities. Longwood University recognizes that individuals with disabilities may need reasonable accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from university educational programs, services, and activities, and to have equal employment opportunities. Longwood University adheres to all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as necessary to afford equal employment opportunities and equal access to programs for qualified persons with disabilities. Students requesting reasonable accommodations for a disability should contact the Accessibility Resources Office at 434-395-2391. Longwood University employees and applicants for Longwood University employment should contact the Office of Human Resources at 434-395-2074. Visitors and participants in non-academic programs should contact the sponsoring department or the Accessibility Resources Office at 434-395-2391. Questions regarding reasonable accommodations and/or discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to the Director of Accessibility Resources (for students and visitors) or the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee (for employees).


This policy applies to all Longwood University faculty, staff, students, and visitors.


As the ADA/Section 504 compliance officer for the University, the Director of the Accessibility Resources Office is responsible for administering and monitoring Longwood University's policy on non-discrimination and reasonable accommodation on the basis of disability.

Longwood University students:
The Accessibility Resources Office is responsible for reviewing requests for reasonable accommodation on the basis of disability for students. Academic departments and faculty members are responsible for providing those accommodations in accordance with federal and state regulations and in cooperation with the Accessibility Resources Office.

Longwood University employees and applicants for Longwood University employment: The Office of Human Resources is responsible for reviewing requests for reasonable accommodation for employees on the basis of disability and employing departments are responsible for providing reasonable accommodations for employees in accordance with federal and state regulations and University policy. The Accessibility Resources Office is available as a resource in this process.

Visitors and participants in non-academic programs:
Non-academic programs, including events provided by the University such as concerts, performances, student-sponsored events, campus tours, summer camps, and public programs will be made accessible in accordance with federal and state law. Departments, offices, or groups sponsoring the event are responsible for reviewing requests for reasonable accommodations for visitors and participants and providing accommodations for non-academic programs. The Accessibility Resources Office is available as a resource in this process.


Reasonable accommodation procedure for visitors and participants in non-academic programs: Contact the sponsoring department or the Accessibility Resources Office at 434-395-2391.


Inquiries about or complaints alleging violation of the University's Non-Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodations on the Basis of Disability policy should be directed to the following offices:


Accessibility Resources Office, Brock Hall, 201 High Street, Farmville, VA 23909. Phone 434-395-2391; Fax 434-395-2434.

Grievance Procedure: See Longwood University Student Handbook (pdf) or Accessibility Resources Office


Office of Human Resources, Eason Hall, 201 High Street, Farmville, VA 23909. Phone 434-395-2074; Fax 434-395-2666.


Accessibility Resources Office, Brock Hall, 201 High Street, Farmville, VA 23909. Phone 434-395-2391; Fax 434-395-2434.

Related University References:

Approved by the Board of Visitors October 29, 1993.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, June 12, 2009.
Revised August 16, 2022.