Responsibility of Budget Managers 2047


The purpose of this policy is to establish general guidelines for managing the institution's departmental budgets.


Budget Manager: an employee assigned the task of being responsible for the maintenance of departmental budgets.


All budgetary units must have a positive balance at fiscal year end. Budgets with a deficit balance at year end may be reduced in the following year by a corresponding amount.

  1. A Budget Manager Responsibility:
    1. Employees who have been assigned budget responsibility must ensure that their budgets are utilized for the purpose intended and are not authorized to expend funds in excess of their assigned budgets.
    2. All budget managers must comply with state and federal regulations and with the procedures and guidelines established by the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the Budget Office.
  2. Budget Monitoring:
    1. Department budgets are available for viewing by budget managers online in BANNER Self Service. The Budget Office provides training workshops covering the budget process and budget monitoring at least once a year. Individual training is also offered for new employees and as requested.
    2. The Budget Office conducts budget reviews monthly. Budget managers are informed of any budget having a deficit balance. In January, a six (6) month review is completed. Executive Management is informed of any budget that is more than sixty (60) percent spent at that time.
    3. At the end of the fiscal year, all budget managers are given a final opportunity to clear any deficits from their accounts before the determination is made concerning the budgets to reduce for the coming year.

Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, December 10, 2005.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 15, 2006.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, June 15, 2012.