General Fund-Raising and Gift Acceptance 4002


This policy governs fund-raising by, or in the name of, the University and the acceptance of gifts to Longwood University. This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students and student organizations, coaches, volunteer support groups and any other entity raising funds from the private sector on behalf of Longwood University.


It is the responsibility of the Office of Development to institute an organized program for obtaining gift support from alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff, businesses, corporations, organizations, and private foundations in regard to annual, endowment and capital support. The University President has ultimate responsibility for Longwood’s fundraising in order to support the University’s mission, priorities and initiatives as identified by the Board of Visitors. The university shall be solely responsible for soliciting donations, donor relations and fundraising strategy.

"Solicitation of gifts made by anyone for the benefit of Longwood University, or any Agency thereof, shall require the prior approval of the President through the Vice President for Institutional Advancement."


1. Responsibilities of Vice President for Institutional Advancement

In order to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provided by University Advancement, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement shall:

  1. Coordinate the solicitation of prospective donors;
  2. Establish minimum funding requirements;
  3. Prepare and oversee fundraising literature;
  4. Record private gifts to the University;
  5. Maintain prospect files and records;
  6. Coordinate fundraising volunteers;
  7. Identify and coordinate solicitations to corporations and foundations;
  8. Coordinate public statements regarding gifts to Longwood University; and
  9. Oversee maintenance, access, control and security of the University’s official alumni and gift record system.

2. Gift Acceptance

When a gift is accepted, the University assumes both a legal and an ethical obligation to conform to the wishes of the donor within the confines of the University’s policies. For these reasons, it is essential that donors be encouraged to indicate precisely in writing those restrictions, if any, to be placed on the use of funds provided.  Gifts shall be given to, and accepted by, the University and are to be used solely for the benefit of the University.  The President shall direct and oversee the use and purpose of unrestricted gifts consistent with, and in support of, the University’s mission, priorities and initiatives.

The Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs shall review and make a determination about the terms and conditions associated with (i) any gifts that impact academic decision making and (ii) any gifts greater than $1,000,000 that imposed new obligations on the University, excluding gifts for scholarships or other financial aid.

3. Gift Processing

Centralized gift processing via the Office of Development (1) is an important, core University function that will help the institution achieve philanthropic success; (2) allows the Office of Development to consistently apply relative University policies and procedures and (3) ensures compliance with Internal Revenue Service regulations pertaining to charitable gifts.

The Office of Development shall ensure: 1) all funds received are credited to the correct account and promptly deposited; 2) gifts are promptly and properly acknowledged; 3) gifts are accepted and administered in a manner appropriate for a tax-exempt educational institution; 4) donor requirements and restrictions are acceptable to the University; 5) gifts are in amounts appropriate to carry out their specified use; and 6) documents related to gifts are maintained in compliance with the Virginia Public Records Act.

Approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, June 15, 2012.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, December 4, 2020.