Division I Athletic Team Addition and Removal Policy 3005

I. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for adding and removing Division I athletic teams at Longwood University. This policy aims to ensure that decisions regarding the addition or removal of teams align with the university’s strategic goals, financial considerations, and commitment to providing a comprehensive and competitive athletic program. The University will be guided by the following criteria as it considers either the addition, elevation or elimination of a sport to intercollegiate varsity status based upon requests from students, club teams or intramural teams.

Any student, club team or intramural team interested in the addition or elevation of a sport is encouraged to review the criteria set forth below and prepare a submission/application to the Director of Athletics. For planning purposes, all submissions received in a calendar year will ordinarily be reviewed at one time so that in the event that there are competing proposals, they can be evaluated as a group If there is a perceived need to move on a more expeditious basis, however, the rationale in support of more expeditious processing should be set forth in a separate document or letter at the same time that the application and supporting material and information are provided In connection with the application, the following factors must be addressed.

II. Criteria for Adding a Division I Athletic Team:

  1. Demand and Interest:
    1. Addition of a new team should be driven by demonstrated interest and demand from elements of the university community, which can include senior officials, students, admitted students, alumni, and supporters. In this regard, we will attempt to assess the relative interest in the addition of a team (or teams) at the University as demonstrated through expressed interest, participation and support levels at the club and intramural level over a sustained period of time, requests that certain sports be elevated or added, survey results, and/or other expressions of interest that are brought to our attention or we are able to discover. We will also assess the relative interest and sponsorship level of the sport at the high school level throughout our state and in our general recruiting area.
    2. A comprehensive analysis of market demand, potential fan base, and recruitment opportunities may also be conducted.
    3. In making any determination on the addition or elevation of a sport, the nature and extent of available competitive opportunities will be examined and assessed. We will consider the available competition within our Conference, within our Division, in our customary travel area, and within other divisions if they would be considered as reasonable and appropriate competitors in our customary travel area. We will also consider any “sample” competitive collegiate schedules that are advanced in support of a request to add or elevate a sport.
  2. Financial Viability:
    1. Adequate funding sources for the new team, including operating expenses, scholarships, and facilities, must be identified. Although there is no expectation that a new intercollegiate team can fully sustain itself, the ability to generate some revenue can be viewed as a reflection of the relative level of interest and support in a program. In this regard, the history or potential of fundraising or other forms of revenue generation, and the relative level of financial support and interest from alumni may be considered.
    2. As part of the application process and to the extent feasible, a detailed budget proposal outlining potential revenue and expenditure projections for at least the first five years should be submitted. To the extent that it is not submitted, the University may engage in that type of fiscal review as part of its consideration process. In other words, the costs and expenses of a program will be considered.
  3. Compliance with NCAA Regulations:
    1. The addition of a new Division I athletic team must comply with all NCAA rules and regulations.
    2. A thorough assessment of the impact on existing programs, facilities, and compliance infrastructure should be conducted.
  4. Title IX Compliance:
    1. A key factor that will be considered in connection with the possible addition or elevation of a sport to intercollegiate varsity status is the overall impact that it will have on the University’s level of compliance within each of the program areas regulated by Title IX.
  5. Facilities:
    1. The existence of (and/or plans for the creation of) the appropriate facilities to host the new team will be considered. In addition, we will assess the impact that the new team will have on existing sports and their respective use of current facilities In the event that new facilities are required, we will consider the location, cost, funding plan, and prospective maintenance costs of those facilities.
  6. Impact on Support Staff and Services
    We understand that there will be an economic cost associated with a new team and that there will be an impact on support staff, resources and services However, we also recognize that it is helpful to have an understanding of the potential impact of a new program on existing resources As a result, we will also consider the impact that the addition or elevation of a sport will have on the support staff, resources and services These include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Medical and training room staff and services, injury incidence and insurance costs,
    • Equipment room support services (i.e. practice clothes, equipment issuance, laundry),
    • Sports information services,
    • Facilities maintenance and support services,
    • Game management needs,
    • Travel costs and arrangements.
  7. Other Relevant Factors
    We will also consider any other relevant factors that the applicant or the University believes should be considered in the process of evaluation the potential addition of a team.

III. Criteria for Removing a Division I Athletic Team:

  1. Financial Conditions and Sustainability:
    1. University imposed limits or reductions in financial support for the athletics department.
    2. The absence of an increase or a decline in athletics related revenue generation through its various revenue generating sources.
    3. Teams that consistently operate at a financial deficit, have failed to generate an acceptable level of fundraising, or present a significant liability concern may be evaluated for continued participation in the athletics program. In conjunction with this evaluation, a detailed financial analysis may be conducted to assess the team’s long-term financial viability.
  2. Performance, Competitive Success and Interest:
    1. Teams that consistently underperform and do not meet established performance expectations may be considered for removal.
    2. A review of recent competitive success, recruitment trends, and coaching effectiveness should be conducted.
    3. A team that has declining interest in participation or competitive opportunities may be considered for removal.
  3. Alignment with University Goals:
    1. The removal of a team should align with the university’s overall strategic goals and vision for the athletic program.
    2. The impact on the university’s reputation, student engagement, and alumni relations should be considered.
  4. NCAA Compliance:
    The university must ensure that any decision to remove a Division I athletic team complies with NCAA rules and regulations.
  5. Title IX Compliance:
    A key factor that will be considered in connection with the possible removal of a team is the overall impact that it will have on the University’s level of compliance within each of the program areas regulated by Title IX.

IV. Approval Process:

  1. Proposal Submission:
    1. Proposals for adding or removing a Division I athletic team must be submitted to the University Administration.
    2. Proposals should include comprehensive documentation addressing the criteria outlined in Sections II and III.
    3. In the absence of a proposal to add a team from a specific applicant, but upon a demonstration of the required level of interest, the athletics department may compile and submit a proposal for the addition of a team.
  2. Evaluation Committee:
    1. An evaluation committee, consisting of representatives from the university community to be appointed by the President, will review the proposal.
    2. The committee will assess the proposal based on the established criteria and make a recommendation to the Athletic Director and University Administration.
  3. Approval Authority:
    1. Final approval for the addition or removal of a Division I athletic team rests with the Board of Visitors, subject to other state approvals as may be appropriate.
    2. The Athletic Director and University Administration will present the committee’s recommendation, along with any additional insights or considerations, to the Board of Visitors.

V. Communication and Transparency:

  1. Stakeholder Communication:
    1. The university will communicate decisions regarding the addition or removal of a Division I athletic team to relevant stakeholders, including students, alumni, faculty, and staff.
    2. Communication should be transparent, providing rationale and highlighting the university’s commitment to the overall success of its athletic program.
  2. Public Relations Strategy:
    The university will develop a public relations strategy surrounding the decision, focusing on the positive aspects of the university’s commitment to a competitive and sustainable athletic program.

VI. Review and Revision:

This policy will be subject to periodic review to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.