Brock Advisory Board

The Brock Advisory Board assists the department with professional development, providing feedback on curriculum, and determining next steps in strategic decisions. The Advisory Board supports the Director through regular meetings (roughly monthly). The members of the Advisory Board also sponsor and facilitate workshops for Brock Fellows.

Current members of the Brock Advisory Board:

  • Dr. Adam Franssen (C.A.F.E. Representative, Biology)
  • Dr. Carl Riden (Sociology, Former Member of LU@YNP Team)
  • Dr. Melissa Rhoten (Chemistry, Co-Lead of LU@CBay Team)
  • Dr. Walls-McKay (Student Affairs Representative, Member of LU@AK Team)
  • Ms. Jennifer Beach (Library Liaison, Member of Being Human Team)

Brock Implementation Team

The Brock Implementation Team selects new Brock Fellows and makes final decisions on all Brock Experiences matters.

Current members of the Brock Implementation Team:

  • Dr. Larissa Smith (Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs)
  • Dr. Ken Perkins (Provost Emeritus)
  • Dr. Pam Tracy (Director - C.A.F.E.)
  • Mr. Justin Pope (Chief of Staff & Vice President)

Brock Fellows

Tenured and Tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply to be a Brock Fellow. These faculty members propose, design, and launch an innovative course for academic credit using the three pillars of Brock: 1) a focus on an unresolved civic issues; 2) a place-based approach; and 3) an interdisciplinary team of faculty/staff. In return, Brock Fellows receive reassigned time from part of their teaching load, professional development, curriculum development support, and a stipend for the duration of the two-year Fellowship. The Fellow's home department receives funding support to cover the courses reassigned as a result of the Fellow's commitments.

Below is a list of previous Brock Fellows and the courses they developed:

2017 - 2019

  • Dr. Melissa Rhoten (Chemistry) & Dr. Mark Fink (Biology) - LU@CBay
  • Dr. Renee Gutierrez (Spanish) & Dr. Connie Koski (Criminal Justice) - Borderlines

2018 - 2020

  • Mr. Mike Mergen (Photography) - Colorado River
  • Dr. Shawn Smith (English) - Curating Citizenship

2019 - 2021

  • Dr. Melanie Marks (Economics) - Puerto Rico

2021 - 2023

  • Dr. Dale Beach (Biology) - Being Human

2022 - 2024

  • Dr. Chris Labosier (Environmental Science) - Weathering the Storm
  • Dr. Erin Waggoner (Communication Studies) - Place & Voice