15 Passenger Van


This policy is to ensure all faculty, staff, or students who operate fifteen (15) passenger vans in support of Longwood sponsored activities have completed appropriate clearance procedures.


The Longwood Office of Public Safety is responsible for conducting a driver's history inquiry via the Virginia Crime Information Network (VCIN), conducting a documented, standardized driving test, and maintaining a file of this information for three (3) years. Each individual wishing to operate a fifteen (15) passenger van in support of Longwood sponsored activities will be required to complete this procedure every three (3) years.


  1. All employees wishing to rent commercially or use a state owned fifteen (15) passenger van will be required to submit their request to the Transportation Officer.
  2. The Transportation Officer will contact the Public Safety Office to determine if a current clearance is on file. If no current file exists, the Transportation Officer will refer the requestor to the Public Safety Office to complete the clearance.
  3. All faculty, staff, and students who wish to receive a clearance will be required to sign a waiver granting access to their driver's history to the Public Safety Office. They will also be scheduled for a driver's test. (No Longwood faculty, staff, or student will be permitted to operate a fifteen (15) passenger van on Longwood business without completing this test.)
  4. All employees will be given a standardized driving test in an appropriate fifteen (15) passenger van. The results of this standardized test will be maintained in the individual file. Employees will be required to repeat any failed portions of the driving test until that portion is successfully completed.
  5. Police Dispatch will notify the Chief Transportation Officer of the completion of the driver's history and driving test.
  6. National Transportation Safety Board statistics indicate fifteen (15) passenger vans with ten (10) or more people on board are three (3) times more likely to roll over in an accident. Longwood policy is to limit the passenger load to nine (9) when possible. In no case will the passenger load exceed fifteen (15) people. Transportation of sixteen (16) or more people requires a Commercial Driver's License (CDL).