Snow Removal


The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for the removal of snow and ice during inclement weather conditions.


In the event of inclement weather, the Longwood University Police Department shall notify the Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management when snow or freezing conditions begin. Particular care will be exercised initiating snow removal when snowfall begins at night in order to achieve maximum results prior to opening of the regular work day. The same applies to weekends and holidays.

  1. Responsibilities:
    1. The Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management is assigned overall responsibility for implementation of this plan.
    2. The Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management oversees all phases of snow and ice removal.
    3. The Director of Facilities Operations assumes duties of Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management in his absence.
    4. The Grounds Supervisor directs and supervises all staff in the field, reporting to the Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management status of conditions.


  1. Initiation of Process: The Vice President Administration and Finance based upon information provided by Facilities Management and Longwood University Police Department is responsible for advising the President and Provost of snow accumulation and street conditions.
  2. Staff Notifications: Once notified by Longwood University Police Department, the Director of Landscaping and Grounds Management immediately reports to work, evaluates conditions, calls in necessary staff and notifies the Director of Facilities Operations of the current situation.
  3. Priorities: Snow Removal: The Facilities Management staff provides removal of snow through the use of two teams simultaneously working on the following areas:
    1. Steps, Entranceways and Sidewalks: Team One is responsible for the removal of snow on all steps, Entranceways and sidewalks. The following areas are listed in order beginning with the highest priority:
      1. All handicapped access routes will be given first priority
      2. Main entrances of every residence hall and paths to the Dining Hall
      3. Main entrances of Library, Lankford and Lancer Gym
      4. Main Entrances of all academic and administrative buildings
      5. Secondary entrances and steps to all residence halls
      6. Secondary entrances and steps to administrative and academic buildings
    2. Streets and Parking Lots: Team Two is responsible for the removal of snow on all streets and parking lots. The following areas are listed in order beginning with the highest priority:
      1. Redford, Madison, Wynne Dr., Race, Pine Streets. 
      2. All handicapped parking spaces.
      3. Commuter student and faculty staff parking lots.
      4. Resident parking lots.