Investment Policy

Description: At the core of this investment policy statement is a set of fundamental investment beliefs which are the underpinnings of all Longwood University Foundation, Inc. investment policies: Endowment funds are by definition perpetual funds. The Finance Committee can afford to take a very long-term view in setting investment policy. Taking into account the long-term nature of endowment funds, the Longwood University Foundation should maintain a bias toward equity investments, which have historica

Owner: Longwood University Foundation

Student Managed Investment Fund Policy

Description: A student managed investment fund at an academic institution is not a new idea. Many of the country’s leading colleges and universities have already established such funds. The list of institutions includes such prestigious schools as Harvard, Georgetown, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Richmond. The Finance Club at Longwood College proposes the establishment of such a fund. It is a great opportunity and the right time for such action as Longwood transitions to its uni

Owner: Longwood University Foundation

Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy

Description: This policy ensures that employee travel is consistent with the business objectives of Longwood University and Longwood University Foundation, Inc. It also ensures fair and equitable treatment of all employees by defining procedures for authorized business travel and guidelines for travel expense reimbursement.

Owner: Longwood University Foundation

Code of Ethics Policy


Owner: Longwood University Foundation

Bylaws August 2018


Owner: Longwood University Foundation