Tracking form for transfers of equipment or property to another department.
Owner: Procurement Services
Form to surplus or trade in equipment.
Owner: Procurement Services
Company information collection for Ad Hoc Vendor additions.
Owner: Procurement Services
Previously owned and used, offered for sale "where is, as is," does not include demonstration or factory rebuilt items marketed through distribution outlets, may be negotiated for up to the purchaser's delegated authority. Competition not required.
Owner: Procurement Services
All requests for sole source purchases must meet the criteria established under the Virginia Public Procurement Act, § 2.2-4303(E). The agency head or designee, must sign the Sole Source Procurement Approval Request forms. This form is for non-technology related requests.
Owner: Procurement Services
All requests for sole source purchases must meet the criteria established under the Virginia Public Procurement Act, § 2.2-4303(E). The agency head or designee, must sign the Sole Source Procurement Approval Request forms. This form is to apply to technology requests.
Owner: Procurement Services
This memorandum must be filled out by the purchasing agency and addresses in a direct and concise manner the following four points (by number and in order):
Owner: Procurement Services
Gathers information related to a sole source eVA purchase.
Filled in conjunction with Sole Source Memorandum
Owner: Procurement Services
Registering complaints about an eVA vendor.
Owner: Procurement Services
If you had an accident in a University vehicle or rental car, while on University business, please fill out this form and see the Risk Management FAQ page.
Owner: Procurement Services
Requests a new account for eVA.
Owner: Procurement Services
Listing of acceptable uses for eVA and acknowledgement form.
Owner: Procurement Services
eVA, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s electronic procurement solution, was procured pursuant to a contract that requires the Commonwealth to protect certain information as confidential and proprietary property of American Management Systems, Inc. (AMS). Therefore, the Commonwealth must be assured that all parties to which it provides access to AMS confidential and proprietary information acknowledge their responsibility to undertake its protection on behalf of the Commonwealth.
Owner: Procurement Services
Budget Code & eVA Approval Paths
Owner: Procurement Services
Commonwealth of Virginia Corporate Purchasing Card Request
Owner: Procurement Services
Acknowledging receipt of a Bank of America VISA Corporate Purchasing Card. As a Cardholder, you agree to comply with the listed terms and conditions regarding use of the Card.
Owner: Procurement Services
Request form to change spending limit on Bank of America VISA card.
Owner: Procurement Services
Request form to increase single transaction limit on BOA VISA.
Owner: Procurement Services
Form used when damage occurs to a state-owned or rented vehicle on state business.
Owner: Procurement Services
Complete this form to report any non-auto related incident resulting in potential bodily injury, property damage and/or loss or theft of State or University property.
Owner: Procurement Services
The purpose of this Letter of Understanding is to set forth the provisions under which students of Longwood University (LU) will perform an experiential learning project...
Owner: Procurement Services
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform participants of certain risks and responsibilities that they will be assuming as a participant in a program.
Owner: Procurement Services
The purpose of this memorandum is to explain certain procedures and the scope of volunteer work.
Owner: Procurement Services
Insurance quote request form for participants in an activity.
Owner: Procurement Services
Terms governing the acceptance of loaned property to Longwood University.
Owner: Procurement Services
Summer activity program insurance request for coverage.
Owner: Procurement Services
Acknowledgement of risk and release form for activity participants.
Owner: Procurement Services
Acknowledgement of Risk and Release form for Longwood Employee in a program.
Owner: Procurement Services
Form to acknowledge the completion of a program and a statement about any incidents that may have occurred.
Owner: Procurement Services
Form tracks the amount spent with SWAM vendors.
Owner: Procurement Services
Telephone Record for Vendor Solicitation for purchases under the purchasing threshold.
Owner: Procurement Services
Statement that desired item is available from only one source.
Owner: Procurement Services
Explanation of why this product is only available from one source.
Owner: Procurement Services
Request for approval for a sole source procurement for Non-Technology purchases.
Owner: Procurement Services
Sole source request for procurement of Technology related goods and services.
Owner: Procurement Services
Application for a Local Fund Visa card through Bank of America
Owner: Procurement Services
Global Card Access is a Bank of America website that allows cardholders to view their PIN, download billing statements, and setup customized alerts for their SPCC and Local Fund credit cards.
To access the site, click here.
A quick guide for the system is available from Bank of America: BOA Global Card Access User Guide.
For users with 2 or more profiles in Bank of America Works, the system now provides the options to link the accounts together to allow users to switch between accounts without logging out.
Step-by-step instructions to link BOA Works accounts are available here: Instructions for Linking BOA Works Profiles.