Virginia Public Procurement Act

A direct link to the Virginia Public Procurement Act 


Procurement Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and Their Vendors

The Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education and their Vendors specifies those policies which govern the purchasing processes at specifically designated publicly-funded colleges and universities who are eligible to be or are governed by Subchapter 2 of the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act, § 23-38.88 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and Chapters 824 and 829, Acts of Assembly, 2008. These policies are structured to support the mission of higher education and to comply with the principals of the Virginia Public Procurement Act and are in compliance with the individually adopted, “Rules Governing Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Commonwealth of Virginia Purchasing Manual for Institutions of Higher Education  (PDF)


Public Postings (Solicitations & Awards)

Materiel Management Public Postings outlines contracts that are currently available for bid as well as contracts that have closed and their awardees.


Longwood University Term Contracts

A listing of current contracts, contract numbers, length of term, contractors and account administrators.

LU Term Contracts 1/29/2025


Virginia Association of State College & University Purchasing Professionals

To recognize and use effectively the common procurement principles, knowledge, experience, challenges, support and resources of all decentralized higher education member institutions. To be a united group with common goals of addressing the complexities of the Commonwealth of Virginia procurement processes. Through ongoing cooperation and cohesion, better the ability of each individual member institution to effectively provide efficient and responsive customer service in facilitating the purchase of goods and services for their Institution. Support diversified vendor advocacy to enhance the capability of each member institution in seeking open competition for the highest valued products and services.

Visit Site 


Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium


Virginia State Contracts

A listing of state contracts that your office may be able to leverage for a variety of services.

Visit Site

Online site used by Longwood and other state agencies to liquidate some surplus property.

Visit Site:



Rules For Procurement of Goods, Services, Insurance, and Construction by a Public Institution of Higher Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia

The purpose of these Rules is to enunciate the public policies pertaining to procurement of goods, services, insurance, and construction by the Institution from nongovernmental sources, to include governmental procurement that may or may not result in monetary consideration for either party. These Rules shall apply whether the consideration is monetary or nonmonetary and regardless of whether the Institution, the contractor, or some third party is providing the consideration.

Governing Rules for Procurement (pdf)


VISA - Banner Account Codes

The expenditure structure is a mechanism designed to classify the different expenditure categories and collect expenditure information in a systematic manner. The information is used for accounting control, financial management and budgeting purposes.

View Account Codes (pdf) 


Commonwealth of Virginia Construction and Professional Services Manual Document


The Commonwealth of Virginia Construction and Professional Services Manual – 2014 is written for persons with a basic knowledge and understanding of the building design and construction process and its terminology. State policies, standards and procedures for procurement of services, procurement of construction and contract management and administration differ from those used in the private sector and those used by agencies of the Federal Government....

Owner: Procurement Services

New Bank of America Online Reconciliation process

Training manual for the new online reconciliation process being implemented for all State SPCC cards. All items charged to the SPCC card will be processed within Bank of America Works rather than paper log sheets.

Departments will be contacted for training until all cardholders and supervisors are trained.

Reconciliation Training Manual updated 10/07/2019 (pdf)


Dates for the 2025 Billing Periods are listed below - cardholders should have all charges reconciled online by the Closing Date listed in the far right column.

2025 Billing Period Dates

DOA CAPP Manual topic 60108 - Account Codes are available here: DOA CAPP Manual Topic 60108.