April is Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Autism Awareness Month, so CLSJE, the Office of Disability Resources (ODR), and Greenwood Library are combining its monthly books and dvds display.

Award-winning children's books

The atrium features a selection of Asian/Pacific Islander fiction and non-fiction set atop the bookcases. In addition, the Children’s Literature Room face-out bookcase holds children’s and YA books that have won the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature. The children’s literature room also features a display of books that have won the Schneider Family Book Award for “books that embody an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences.”

In addition, Library Information Associate EJ Wulff has assembled a fascinating collection of dvds to showcase autism awareness.

Dvds on the subject of autism

Research Services Librarian Natalie Browning has put together a helpful research guide specifically on Middle Eastern topics that contains helpful links to web resources and selected library databases for Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month.  These are available for faculty and students on the Greenwood Library website:


We at CLSJE send our continuing thanks to Marketing and Outreach librarian Vicki Palmer and Research Services librarians Sarah Reynolds and Natalie Browning—and to Dana Kieran, Director of Disability Resources.

In addition to the research guides, special displays of books and dvds for each heritage month are created by Marketing and Outreach Librarian Vicki Palmer along with Research Services Librarian Sarah Reynolds and Library Information Associate EJ Wulff.