September 25, 2017
On Tuesday, Sept 19th, the Longwood University #Community, including PRSSA, WMLU, The Rotunda and Lambda Pi Eta, came together to raise $700 (and still growing) for the victims of the recent hurricanes in Texas and Florida.
September 25, 2017
Lecturer of Mathematics position
September 21, 2017
This week the College of Graduate and Professional Studies spotlight is focusing on Longwood University's MBA program.
September 18, 2017
The SNVC Institute is proud to announce Ms. Alexandra Lee as the 2017-2018 MBA Scholarship Recipient.
September 14, 2017
View Hull Springs Farm Speakers' Series Flyer to register for the event on September 28, 2017.
September 13, 2017
This year, Megan Clark, 2005 communication studies alumna, will speak at the convocation in Willett Hall on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 4 p.m.
September 13, 2017
Virginia Children's Book Festival Special Programming
September 13, 2017
The Citizen Leadership Institute is a fun and exciting way to explore your personal leadership style through a series of interactive and transformative workshops focused on developing you into the best version of yourself as a Citizen Leader.
September 11, 2017
CSDS Newsletter January 2017 edition
September 11, 2017
Join us on Tuesday, September 12th for great information and prizes!
September 05, 2017
Faculty Senate meeting to take place on September 7, in the Maugans Martinelli Room, at 3:30 PM.
September 05, 2017
Growing Oysters for a Cleaner Bay
September 01, 2017
An all new year of Problems of the Month has begun!
September 01, 2017
Please consider submitting a proposal to be a faculty mentor for LU-PRISM (Perspectives on Research In Science & Mathematics) 2018, Longwood’s summer STEM-H (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Health) research program. Due 9/29/17