March 03, 2017
Dr. Larissa Fergeson authors Op-Ed in Richmond Times-Dispatch on history, place, and the Civil Rights Struggle
March 03, 2017
Dr. Melissa Kravetz participates in workshop hosted by US Holocaust Museum
March 01, 2017
The semester's third problem is here to test your logic.
February 23, 2017
11 Longwood students compete in Virginia's first ever collegiate cybersecurity competition.
February 21, 2017
An engaging and motivating strategy that combines reading practice and performance for children 7 years and older.
February 21, 2017
Language enrichment through games & opportunities for children 6 - 10 years old.
February 16, 2017
Abstract deadline: March 31, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.
February 02, 2017
The “Dead Feminists” series is a letterpress collaboration between Chandler O’Leary of Anagram Press and Jessica Spring of Springtide Press. Since 2008, the Dead Feminists series features quotes by historical feminists, tied in with current political
January 31, 2017
A reminder that the University Planning Council meets tomorrow at 4 p.m. in Blackwell, and the campus community is encouraged to attend.
January 24, 2017
Detailed information regarding off campus intent provided here!
January 18, 2017
Student Research Grant Deadline: February 6, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
January 13, 2017
The Faculty Senate will meet in the Greenwood Library, room 209 A&B, February 2, 3:30- 5:00 pm.
January 02, 2017
Longwood University's Speech, Hearing, and Learning Services January 2017 Newsletter
January 01, 2017
The January Problem of the Month, our first of the spring semester, has arrived. Good luck.
November 29, 2016
Thanks to SURI Grants from the Office of Student Research, 3 students and 3 faculty will be working together and independently on advanced research projects in Summer 2017.