Use of University Facilities 4005

Use of University Facilities 4005


  1. University Academic Activities - Activities directly related to the instructional mission of the University such as credit earning classes and programmatic activities resulting from academic coursework.
  2. University Sponsored Activities (Internal Events) - Activities directly related to the life of the campus community beyond the classroom and include intercollegiate athletics, cultural, social, recreational, and student programming activities. Eligible programs under this category may be scheduled or sponsored by faculty, staff, administrative offices, approved student organizations and conferences.
  3. University Co-Sponsored Events (Sponsored External Events) - These events are when an organization or group whose affiliation with Longwood University derives primarily from the participation of a member of the Longwood University community, but whose organizational purpose does not necessarily advance or support the educational, research or public policy mission of Longwood University, and whose membership is made up of a majority of NON-Longwood employees.
  4. Non-University Events (External Events) - Are the programs and activities organized by individuals, organizations or groups not part of the organizational structure of the University who request to use University facilities for the benefit of their own programs.
  5. Partnership Events - Are those events and activities sponsored by organizations which have an affiliation with the University. Community partners have been identified by the University as external organizations that are integral to the institution’s relationship to the community.


The Vice President for Administration & Finance oversees this policy, and University Events and Ceremonies and the Longwood University Police Department are responsible for implementation and proper procedures.


This policy establishes guidelines and procedures which govern the use of Longwood University owned facilities to ensure they are used in a manner consistent with the mission of the institution and requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia for the consistent and fair use of campus space. Facilities for the purpose of this policy include all buildings, land and physical property of Longwood University. Longwood University facilities exist for the primary purpose of education and use by faculty, staff, students, and affiliated organizations and constituencies. When space availability allows, the University is committed to making its facilities available to groups and organizations outside the University whose purpose is consistent with the University’s mission. The University attempts to maximize the use of these facilities and services to meet these commitments. Consequently, to maintain good stewardship of these resources, fees may be charged to generate revenue or recover reasonable and necessary costs of facilities operation.


  1. Facilities Purpose: The primary purpose for the existence of the University's facilities is to provide an environment where faculty can teach and do research and students can be challenged to learn from their instructor, books, and living environment. However, as a public service, the institution makes its facilities available to the general public for lectures, workshops, institutes, conferences, meetings, and other programs. All requests for use of these facilities must be submitted a minimum of fifteen (15) business days in advance. The following policies relating to the use of facilities have been adopted within this context. Sound accounting and costing practices dictate that the charges to departments and organizations, both internal and external, for the use of campus facilities fully reflect the cost associated with the use of that space and the provision of associated services.

    Priority is given for use of campus facilities in the following order:
    1. University Academic classes and activities
    2. University Sponsored Events including athletic competitions and student events
    3. University Co-Sponsored Events and activities in partnership with an external constituent/client
    4. Events sponsored by Non-University/External clients/constituents
  2. Liability: The requestor shall assume responsibility for liability for injury to Longwood employees or damage to Longwood property in conjunction with the use of Longwood facilities. The requestor shall agree to hold Longwood harmless for any and all liability relating to the requestor's employees or guests. Formal evidence of insurance coverage may be required where the nature of the event presents a serious loss situation. Additional information regarding liability is provided in the Event Management Handbook.
  3. Denial of Use of Facilities: Longwood University reserves the right to deny use of its facilities if that use is not in the best interest of the institution or if the event conflicts with or upsets the balance of the academic calendar.
  4. Designated Marches Location: Marches may take place on streets and sidewalks of the campus between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday - Friday, when school is in session. Plans for an event of this nature must be submitted to the Office of University Events and Ceremonies three (3) business days in advance. University Events and Ceremonies staff will submit the plan to the Longwood University Police Department. Limitations may be placed on the time, place, and manner of such an event in order to serve the interests of safety, to prevent disruption of the educational process, and to protect the rights of others. Groups are encouraged to confer with local authorities regarding off campus marches or demonstrations.
  5. Tents/Camping: Constructing, occupying, or sleeping in tents or camping on university-owned or operated properties is prohibited. Tents shall include any structure, enclosure, or shelter with or without sidewalls or drops that is constructed of canvas or pliable material supported in any manner except by the contents it protects. Camping shall include (a) the use of any item to create a shelter; (b) the outdoor use of heating devices, generators, or the use of portable toilets; (c) sleeping outdoors with or without a tent between the hours of 12:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M.  These prohibitions shall not apply to the University.
  6. Masking to Conceal Identity: Consistent with Va. Code § 18.2-422, any individual who is present on University Owned or Managed Property or attending a University Program or Event who is wearing a mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, must present an Identification Document when requested by an Authorized University Employee or otherwise establish their identity to the satisfaction of the Authorized University Employee.
  7. Determination of Associated Costs: Requestors of all events are required to contact the Office of University Events and Ceremonies to confirm event fees and permitting prior to establishing entry or event attendance fees and publication of events to determine the total cost of all space and resource requirements.
  8. Reservations Not Coordinated Through the Office of University Events and Ceremonies:
    1. Longwood Center for the Visual Arts: LCVA Director - 434-395-2206
    2. Residence Halls during the academic year: Contact the appropriate REC/GCC
    3. Longwood Health & Fitness Center: Director - 434-395-2356
  9. Associated Scheduling Policies include Policy 4004, Use of Eason and Rotunda First Floor Public Space.

Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, March 28, 2008.
Revised and approved August 2020.
Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors on September 13, 2024.