Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention is offered to any student who faces a psychological emergency in which there is a need for immediate assistance. Emergency coverage and crisis intervention are provided in collaboration with other resources. During office hours, call Counseling And Psychological Services (CAPS) at 434-395-2409, let us know it is an emergency and the nature of the emergency. If CAPS cannot be reached or it is after hours, please call the Longwood Police Department (434-395-2091), your Resident Advisor (RA), or the Resident Education Coordinator for your hall/building.  When needed, the counselor on-call will be notified.

Before meeting with an on-call counselor, we may want to ask you to evaluate your situation to determine whether this is a situation best addressed by emergency assistance or whether it would be better addressed in a regular counseling session.

Please answer the following questions.  If you answer "yes" to any of them, this constitutes as an emergency situation.  If you answer "no" to all of them, we recommend scheduling an initial consultation, and you will be seen within the next few days.

  1. Do you have a current plan to attempt suicide or to inflict serious bodily harm on someone else?
  2. In the last 7 days have you:
    • Inflicted or attempted to inflict serious/life threatening harm on yourself or someone else?
    • Attempted suicide or made verbal or written threats to do so?
    • Been physically and/or sexually assaulted?
    • Heard or seen things that do not exist?
    • Had a severe reaction to a psychiatric medication?
    • been unable to provide for your own food, clothing, and shelter?

Crisis Hotlines

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  • 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Crossroads Crisis Hotline

  • 1-800-548-1688