Opening Faculty Meeting Friday, August 17, 2018

Breakfast 8:30 A.M. Blackwell foyer Meeting 9:00 A.M. - 10:30 A.M. Blackwell Ballroom


  1. Welcome and introduction of Faculty Senators
  2. Approve Minutes from Spring Meeting on March 22nd, 2018
  3. Elect Faculty Representative to the Board of Visitors
  4. Vote on changes to the Faculty Senate Bylaws
    a. Article XVI - Faculty representative to the Board of Visitors
    b. - Officers (section 1)
  5. Update from REAL Inquiry QEP – Crystal Anderson
  6. Report from Committee on Faculty Status and Grievances – Steven Isaac
  7. Update from Committee on Civitae Core Curriculum – Melissa Rhoten
  8. Remarks from the President - W. Taylor Reveley IV
  9. Remarks from the Provost - Larissa Smith Fergeson
  10. Introduction of new Faculty
    a. Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences - Dean Roger Byrne
    b. College of Education and Human Services - Dean Paul Chapman
    c. College of Business and Economics - Dean Timothy O’Keefe
    d. Cormier Honors College - Dean Alix Dowling Fink
    e. Greenwood Library - Dean Brent Roberts
  11. Announcements and adjournment