Need DocFinity Access?

  • The link to DocFinity is: 
  • If you already are a DocFinity user and you are having an issue with DocFinity please submit a ticket to the Help Desk and it will be routed accordingly.
  • If you are an office that is inquiring about DocFinity please send an email to Aneicia Stimpson ( and she will reach out to you about your inquiry.
  • If you need to add users or a group to DocFinity please fill out the DocFinity Access Form.

What is DocFinity?

DocFinity is an enterprise content management web application that includes the following capabilities: 

  • Scanning
  • Indexing
  • Document management
  • File retrieval 
  • Business Process Management (Workflows and Form design) 

DocFinity enables departments to create, monitor, and modify student-based data, documents, and records. DocFinity eliminates the repetitive tasks, standardize processes, connects document digitally with the data, and provides easy accessibility while minimizing security risk, helping staff reduce errors, improve productivity, and provide a higher level of business performance. 

The basic features that DocFinity has to offer are:

  • Document capture - is the process of converting paper documents into digital files creating a repository of your documents.
  • Scanning - DocFinity has several different ways for you to upload your documents into your digital repository.

    1. Direct Scanning - allows you to use a physical scanner to upload your documents.
    2. Send to DocFinity - allows you to upload files directly into DocFinity for indexing into the DocFinity repository, keeping the file in its original format.
    3. Print to DocFinty - allows you to index and save an electronic file into the DocFinity repository from its native application when the DocFinity PDF Printer is selected. The file is converted into a PDF and then it is saved in DocFinity.
  • Indexing - is the process of categorizing captured documents and assigning appropriate values so that the information can be later used for efficient and quick retrieval of documents. Integrating with existing business systems can be established in order to automate indexing where possible, for better accuracy and productivity.
  • Searching - enables you to find documents using a pre-defined query. 
  • eForms (electronic forms) - can be personally designed to facilitate efficient capturing and processing of business data. Submitted forms can be: 1) imported into DocFinity as an indexed record, 2) created in a PDF format, 3) configured to trigger a workflow upon submission, and 4) integrated into existing websites and portals.
  • BPMS (business process management) - allows users to create a behind the scenes digital workflow based on either a paper document scanned into the system or an eForm, eliminating the physical travel of documents between offices. 
  • Records Management - allows users to set retention on each document classification which includes automated backups, disposal schedules, as well as a legal hold can be utilized. This ensures compliance, security, and accountability. DocFinity meets the requirements of government regulations such as HIPAA and FERPA.

What is the benefit of DocFinity?

  1. Process Efficiency: improving workflows and eliminating the mundane tasks of scanning and indexing creates for a better and more productive business process.
  2. Improved Security: Utilizing DocFinity enhanced security features to control document accessibility creates for a more secure workflow process for the end-user. Reduces the risk of unauthorized viewing and cuts out the inter-campus mailing for document sharing.
  3. Advanced Functionality: Reporting is no longer a manual task.
  4. Faster Document Retrieval: Easy appropriate document access creates for a quicker and more efficient way to retrieve documents. Business processes are improved by reducing administrative time and creating more time towards student services.
  5. Enhanced Data Sharing: Tracking workflow data reduces the amount of time required to exchange documents between departments. Creating a faster response time for document processing/ updates.
  6. Communication improved: Communication throughout different departments across campus becomes easier and more effective by using DocFinity.