Introduction to Teacher Preparation Field Placement Requirements
You HAVE NOT been admitted to Teacher Preparation, AND
You plan to complete one of these courses next semester: EDUC 261, MAED 251, MAED 351, or SCED 252
This form must be completed prior to practicum placement. You cannot begin a placement associated with the courses listed above until your application has been submitted and approved.
Admission to Teacher Preparation Application
You must complete this form in order to be admitted to teacher preparation.
Completion of this form occurs when you have met all of the requirements and are ready to enroll in upper-level teacher preparation courses.
Field Placement Request and Requirements for MUSC 345 or MUSC 346
You plan to complete MUSC 345 or MUSC 346 Winter Break or Spring Break
Placement for MUSC 346 requires admission to teacher preparation.
This form is due October 1 for MUSC 345 or MUSC 346
Field Placement Request and Requirements for SPED 327
You plan to complete SPED 327 next summer (last three weeks of May)
Placement for SPED 327 requires admission to teacher preparation.
This form is due November 15 for Summer Semester held during May
Student Teaching Placement Request
You must have completed the ‘Student Teaching Placement Request’ form before completing this final form.
This completed final form must be submitted no later than June 1 for Fall Placement or December 1 for Spring Placement. Effective FY 2025-2026.
This completed final form must be submitted no later than April 15 for Fall Placement or September 15 for Spring Placement.
Late submissions will not be accepted. No exceptions.
Graduate SPED Supervised Experience Final Requirements