Data Definitions

For all higher education institutions in the United States, two types of reports are frequently required by external agencies:  1) student unit data report and 2) institutional/program level data report.   The student unit data report considers an individual student as the analytic unit. The institutional/program level data report considers one institution or one program as an analytic unit. 

As a public institution in the Commonwealth, Longwood provides student unit data reports to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).  SCHEV-Research staff then uses the "student unit data" to create institution/program level reports and publish them on the SCHEV website for public viewing.  Annual institutional/program level reports submitted to the United States Department of Education (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) are also available for public viewing.

Data is time sensitive, thus for university reporting purposes two kinds of data are used.  They are "Official Data" and "Live Data."  With a few exceptions, the data reports submitted to SCHEV, IPEDS and other external agencies is based on "official data."  The "official data" is taken from a once-a-year "snapshot" of the university’s database.  For specific components of the database, the date for snapshots varies.  For example, Longwood’s Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (OAIR) takes the snapshot of student enrollment late October every year.

In contrast, data that is extracted from BANNER and reflects "at the moment" activity is defined as "live data."  "Live data" is a dynamic and real-time (moment-to-moment) "snapshot" of the university’s database.  Largely, "live data" is used for the purpose of supporting the internal operations.      

SCHEV Reports Definitions

What do we report to SCHEV? Reports that are submitted to SCHEV cover student enrollment, course offerings, financial aid, university finance, and facilities. With a few exceptions, SCHEV reports are mandatory annual reports. Among these reports, the most frequently used are:

Headcount (HC) report. HC reports students enrolled in fall semester courses with credits greater than zero;

Course Enrollment (CE) report. The CE report collects the individual student course-taking activity by term (fall, spring and summer). There are two parts to the CE report, CE-1 and CE-2. CE-1 describes individual student demographics by term. CE-2 describes the courses taken by each individual student by term.
More importantly, the CE report serves as the foundation of estimating the "Annualized Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)." Annualized FTE is used as one measure of academic program productivity. The formulas used for calculating the FTE are,

  • For undergraduate program
    • Annualized FTE = total credits generated from course enrollment (fall, spring, and summer) /30.
  • For graduate programs
    • Annualized FTE = total credits generated from course enrollment (fall, spring, and summer) /24.

Degree Conferred (DC) report. For each graduation year, DC reports those students who graduated from the institution in August, December, or May, and describes every degree awarded by CIP (major code), degree level, completer’s visa type, and domicile, etc.

Financial Aid (FA) report. FA reports the financial aid received by each individual student in detail. A large portion of the information included in this report is taken from "FAFSA," the federal government required application form for financial aid.

T1T2 report. T1T2 reports the tuition, mandatory fees, average costs for room and board, and various types of course related fees. This is an institutional level report.

UT50/60 report. This report is also called "Classroom Utilization Report" and submitted to SCHEV biennially. As a prerequisite of UT50/60 report, the institution is required to classify all the rooms and buildings on the campus. The variables used in this classification include room/building ID, functionality (use for academic related activities, office, etc.), and capacity (square footage and the maximum number of occupancy). The collection of the information is titled "Room Inventory" (F1) report and required by SCHEV biennially.

Based on the Room Inventory (F1), the institution submits the UT50/60 report to SCHEV every other year. This report details how the institution scheduled and enrolled students for academic related activities that utilize the classrooms and/or labs. The analytic unit for this report is "section" of the courses offered by various degree programs. The variables used for UT50/60 report include, for instance, the subject of the activity (e.g. MATH, CHEM, etc.), day of week (Monday through Sunday) when the activities take place, type of activity (e.g. lecture, lab, etc.), duration of the room use, code of building where the classroom located, credits of the course sections, and more.

Additional reports to SCHEV include, but are not limited to the Annual Admission report (ADA), Admission Requirement report (B10), University catalog (for both undergraduate and graduate programs), Early Enrollment Estimate report (EEE), Sponsored Research Activities (K1), and Financial Aid Expenditures & Tuition and Fee Waivers (S1/S2) report.

SCHEV report cycle begins from July and ends the following May. For detail, please use the link