Procedure for Requesting Administrative Rights

  1. The supervisor (manager/director/chair) will send an email to requesting an administrative account for the Longwood employee. The email must include the name and LancerNet ID of the person that the access is being requested for, the computer name that they are requesting administrative rights on, and the reason/business need for the request.  The request will be forwarded to the Information Security Office for approval. Note: per the University Access Policy (#6105), users may not request access for themselves.

  2. If the request is approved, the user will be notified by the Information Security office that Privileged Account training in Securing The Human must be completed. Once the training is completed a packet to include the ID and password for the account and a copy of the Privileged Access Control Standard will be available for pick up at the Help Desk. The Privileged Access Control Standard outlines the requirements for use of the administrative account. All users of administrative accounts will be held to that standard.

  3. Employees with access to privileged accounts will receive an email annually to review and agree to information pertaining to the account.