Adjunct Faculty 1001


The purpose of this policy is to define the use of adjunct faculty.


  1. Adjunct faculty: part-time faculty hired on a class by class basis without contractual status or employment rights.


Adjunct faculty are used to cover class enrollments that exceed the teaching load for our regular faculty.


  1. Establishing Adjunct and Overload Salary Rate: The Provost and Chief Academic Affairs Officer, subject to the review of the President, is authorized to establish the salary of adjunct faculty and compensation for teaching overloads (Approved by the Board of
    Visitors April 6, 1984).
  2. Competitive Bidding for Hiring of Adjunct Faculty: Competitive bidding for adjunct contracts is contrary to the best interest of the institution because (1) time between when there has been a determination of need to hire an adjunct to teach a particular course and when that person must begin teaching is too short to allow competitive bidding, and (2) the number of qualified adjuncts in a given academic discipline within our service area is limited which tends not to produce a reasonable number of qualified bidders (Approved by the Board of Visitors May 6, 1986).

Revised and approved by the Board of Visitors, September 7, 2002.