Academic Affairs and Administration and Finance. The Office of Research, Grants and Sponsored Projects (Academic Affairs) is responsible for monitoring compliance in partnership with the Office of Financial Operations (Administration and Finance).
The purpose of this policy is to establish institutional requirements for effort reporting and the reporting of payroll distribution activity on sponsored projects. As a condition of receiving sponsored awards, Longwood University must assure sponsors that the effort expended on their projects justifies the salary and other commitments charged to those projects, including mandatory and voluntary committed cost sharing, in the proposal and subsequent award are met in accordance with the sponsor's terms and conditions.
The regulatory framework for effort reporting is provided by federal regulations, principally Section J. l O of 0MB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, and 2 CFR 200.430 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). It is the policy of Longwood University to be in compliance with the federal guidelines and regulations regarding effort certification of individuals on sponsored programs.
The Office of Research, Grants and Sponsored Projects in partnership with the Office of Financial Operations support project directors/investigators with pre-award and post-award policies and procedures, Federal references, and direct assistance in accounting for and reporting effort for the duration of the sponsored project. Procedures for reporting and certifying effort are detailed in the Longwood University Grant Handbook (available in Canvas).
Approved by the Board of Visitors, June 11, 2021.