Intro text

Longwood University is committed to the responsible and humane care and use of animals for research and teaching. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at

Longwood’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees and monitors the policies, procedures, and facilities to ensure that treatment of vertebrate animals is in accordance with federal guidelines.  The IACUC is comprised of Longwood faculty, a Longwood undergraduate student, a veterinarian, and respected member of the local community.   The committee meets on a monthly basis as long as there is business to conduct.

Before any investigator purchases, obtains, or works with vertebrate animals, an animal research protocol must be submitted for review and approval by Longwood’s IACUC.

Prism Franssen LabResponsibilities of the IACUC:

  1. Assure the safe and ethical treatment of animals in research
    1. Inspect animal facilities annually
    2. Review animal use protocols annually
  2. Ensure compliance with federal regulations
    1. Review and investigate concerns
    2. Suspend any activity involving animals if non-compliance is verified; take corrective action and report non-compliance to funding agencies
  3. Facilitate research and research careers of faculty and students
