Before purchasing, obtaining, or working with vertebrate animals at Longwood University, researchers must:
1) Complete CITI Training and
2) Submit an animal research protocol for review and approval by Longwood’s IACUC

1) Animal Care and CITI Training
Animal Care and Use CITI training modules can be found via link below. A certificate documenting the successful completion of the CITI training modules must be submitted with the IACUC Protocol Review Form.

To access the Animal Care and Use (ACU) training modules, please follow the instructions on this website:

2) Animal Care and Use Review Forms
2.1 After completing CITI training and prior to initial research on vertebrate animals, researchers must fill out the Protocol Review Form:
IACUC Protocol Review Form

2.2 Researchers and Instructors are required to update their IACUC annually using the Continuing Review Form:
IACUC Continuing Review Form

2.3 Should any part of the original protocol need to be changed during the term of the initial review, please utilize the Amendment Form:
IACUC Amendment Form

NOTE: Work with vertebrates may only begin after receipt of approval from the Longwood IACUC committee.