Joe Hoyle is an Associate Professor of Accounting and a Robins Teaching Fellow at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond.

Tuesday, February 18th, 3:30 – 4:30 PM, Blackwell Ballroom

  • Joe is an Associate Professor of Accounting and a Robins Teaching Fellow at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond.
  • In 2015, he was named the inaugural winner of the J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook Prize presented by the American Accounting Association for superior undergraduate teaching.
  • In 2012, he was named one of nine favorite professors in the United States by Bloomberg Businessweek.
  • Joe’s talk is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

This event is sponsored by the College of Business & Economics.

For more information, contact:  Patti Carey, or extension 2460​


Joe Hoyle Bio 

Joe Hoyle is an Associate Professor of Accounting and a Robins Teaching Fellow at the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond.  In 2015, he was named the inaugural winner of the J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook Prize presented by the American Accounting Association for superior undergraduate teaching.  In 2019, his former students created an Accounting Teaching Fellowship at the Robins School of Business that will be renamed the Joe Hoyle Accounting Teaching Fellowship upon his retirement.  His teaching blog, Getting the Most from Your Students, contains over 280 of his essays on teaching and has had more than 510,000 page views.  In 2012, he was named one of nine favorite professors in the United States by Bloomberg Businessweek.  He is a co-author with Tom Schaefer and Tim Doupnik of Advanced Accounting, a textbook which is in its 14th edition and is published by McGraw-Hill.  He is also a co-author with C. J. Skender and Leah Kratz of Financial Accounting, a textbook which is in its 3rd edition and is published by FlatWorld.  In 2007, he was named the Virginia Professor of the Year by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).  In May 2020, Professor Hoyle will complete his 49th year as a college teacher.