
Workshop Series

Spring 2021


This Friday 

Inclusive Assignment Design: Using the TILT method to support students, particularly those from underrepresented groups

Facilitator:       Adam Franssen, Assistant Director of CAFE

Date:               April 16th from 3:10-4:40pm


 Regardless of what you teach and how you teach it, research demonstrates that the principles of Transparency in Teaching and Learning (TILT) improve learning outcomes and enhance student confidence and sense of belonging, particularly in students from underrepresented groups. After a brief introduction to TILT principles, we’ll work together to improve the transparency of our assignments and make the small changes have large positive effects. Please bring one of your assignments to this workshop!


Moved to the Fall Fridays@CAFE series

Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fake News: Teaching Students News Literacy

Facilitator:       Naomi Johnson, Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Date:               TBD from 3:10-4:40pm

 One of the great challenges that we face in the digital age is the prevalence of incorrect information available to our students. We’ll start this workshop by discussing the topic: How can news consumers differentiate between reliable news stories, misinformation, and disinformation? More importantly, how can students find reliable news sources to counter incorrect information, especially in these times of high polarization and distrust in journalism? We’ll then discuss a few assignments/techniques that you might incorporate into your classes to helps improve students news literacy related to your discipline.