Workshop Series
Spring 2021


This Friday

 Preventing Faculty Burnout: Using Rubrics to Reduce Grading Time

Facilitators:      Heather Lettner-Rust, CAFE Consultant for Teaching Writing, Associate Professor of English

Date:                March 12th from 3:10-4:40pm

Register @ link expired

We know that one of the causes of faculty burnout is working long hours. Although we won’t be attempting to rework your whole schedule, this workshop is designed to help reduce grading time on writing assignments through the use of rubrics. (Bonus: providing rubrics ahead of time also results in better papers from students!). In this session, we’ll spend the first 30 minutes discuss approaches to creating effective rubrics. During the next 30 minutes, you’ll have an opportunity to create/edit one of your own rubrics. We’ll end the workshop with a peer review and feedback on each other’s work. The goal is for you to walk away with a rubric that you can use right away.


Next Week

 BROCK-storming: Ideas for Incorporating Local Place-Based Learning into your Classes

Facilitator:       Josh Blakely, Director of Brock Experiences

Date:                March 19th from 3:10-4:40pm

Register @ link expired

One of the three hallmarks of Longwood’s Brock Experiences program is place-based learning. However, one need not travel far to incorporate place-based learning into your class. In many ways, Farmville is an ideal location for place-based learning. We’re situated near several state parks, the Moton Museum, a vibrant Main Street America, and sites associated with the Civil War, In this workshop, we’ll spend 45 minutes discussing the pedagogical benefits of place-based learning and 45 minutes workshopping ideas for how (and where!) you might incorporate it into your classes.


Coming Soon

 Streaming for Instruction

Facilitator:        Jennifer Beach, Assistant Professor, Research & Instructional Services Librarian

Vicki Palmer, Asst. Professor, Research Services, Marketing & Outreach Librarian

Date:                March 26th from 3:10-4:40pm


Would you like to incorporate short videos into your instruction?  What about full-length feature films?  If so, this CAFE discussion is for you!  In this session, participants will learn how to locate streaming videos; what streaming services the library already offers; when and how to request the library purchase access; how to embed streaming videos into your Canvas courses; and how to stay within copyright while taking full advantage of all of your streaming options.  The world of streaming videos is at your fingertips – come explore it with us!


Let’s talk about Regression: OLS Regression for Beginners

Facilitator:        JoEllen Pederson, Associate Professor of Sociology

Date:                April 9th from 3:10-4:40pm


Linear regression is the most widely-used method for the statistical analysis of non-experimental (observational) data. It’s also the essential foundation for understanding more advanced methods like logistic regression, survival analysis, multilevel modeling, and structural equation modeling. Without a thorough mastery of linear regression, there’s little point in trying to learn more complex regression methods. If you’ve never had a course on linear regression, or if you took one so long ago that you have forgotten most of it, this workshop will give you a beginner’s view into linear regression. We will talk about when it is appropriate to use linear regression and also look at some models to discuss interpretation of regression outcomes. We can’t do it all in 90 minutes – nowhere near – but the goal is to have a strong introduction to linear regression for those unfamiliar with this statistical technique. ​


 Inclusive Assignment Design: Using the TILT method to support students, particularly those from underrepresented groups

Facilitator:        Adam Franssen, Assistant Director of CAFE

Date:                April 16th from 3:10-4:40pm


Regardless of what you teach and how you teach it, research demonstrates that the principles of TILT improve learning outcomes and enhance student confidence and sense of belonging, particularly in students from underrepresented groups. After a brief introduction to TILT principles, we’ll work together to improve the transparency of our assignments and make the small changes have large positive effects. Please bring one of your assignments to this workshop!


Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fake News: Teaching Students News Literacy

Facilitator:        Naomi Johnson, Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Date:                April 23rd from 3:10-4:40pm


One of the great challenges that we face in the digital age is the prevalence of incorrect information available to our students. We’ll start this workshop by discussing the topic: How can news consumers differentiate between reliable news stories, misinformation, and disinformation? More importantly, how can students find reliable news sources to counter incorrect information, especially in these times of high polarization and distrust in journalism? We’ll then discuss a few assignments/techniques that you might incorporate into your classes to helps improve students news literacy related to your discipline.