Making Connections

Graduate Faculty Professional Development Day

8:30am-4:00pm | August 14, 2023
Allen Hall 101

Register by August 5, 2024 @


The College of Graduate and Professional Studies, the Center for Faculty Enrichment, and the Digital Education Collaborative invite all faculty to a full-day workshop focused on best practices for supporting the graduate student experience at Longwood. This full-day event aims to enhance your ability to support our graduate students in multiple dimensions of their academic and post-graduation journeys. More specifically, we will focus on:

Building Connections on Campus: Learn strategies to help graduate students navigate campus resources, build valuable connections, and explore ways to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all students.

Life Design: Gain insights into assisting students with life design, helping them plan both their academic paths and post-graduation careers.

Equitable Assignment Design: Create assignments that are equitable and accessible to all students using the TILT method.

Developing Grading Rubrics: Participate in a session dedicated to developing clear and effective grading rubrics. Learn how to create rubrics that are transparent, fair, and aligned with learning outcomes.

On-time Course Design Assistance from CAFE and DEC Staff: Take advantage of on-time help with course design.

Teaching, Learning, and AI: Engage in discussions about the role of AI in teaching and learning and discover how AI can be integrated into your teaching practices to enhance learning outcomes.

Lunch and breakfast will be provided.

We look forward to learning with you!