docemus docere - we teach to enlighten 

Faculty and staff are invited to submit a proposal to present an En-light(e)ning Talk during the Rock the BROCK and Vote Days on October 23.  This series of short, informative, and fascinating lessons will begin on the hour or the half-hour, followed by an opportunity for Q and A.  Selected speakers will receive a $150 honorarium.

Presentations must meet the following stipulations:

  1. Precisely ten minutes in length
  2. Focused on an important (if little known) issue, idea, historical moment, biographical figure, text, scientific discovery, etc related to voting, the election and/or civic engagement.
  3. “In the spirit” of the election, but not advocacy for or against a particular candidate or party
  4. Directed at a generalist audience (TED talk format): substantive, informative, and interesting
  5. Not dependent on technology—beyond a microphone.

Interested? Please submit a brief (200 words) abstract of your idea and title for an “en-light(e)ning talk” to Pam Tracy @ tracypj@longwood.edu by the end of the day on October 14. 


Calling all women making a difference in their fields: Do you aspire to or currently hold a leadership position at Longwood? Are you interested in connecting with other women in leadership at Longwood?  Join Pam Tracy and Sarah Tanner-Anderson, Institutional Representatives for the Virginia Network, for a professional planning power hour on October 16, 2024! 

The mission of the American Council on Education Women’s Network is to identify, develop, advance, and support women in higher education at the national, state, and local levels. The goals of both The Network (national) and the Virginia Network are to promote women's leadership in higher education and throughout society as a whole; to create an educational, social, and political climate in which women, in all their diversity, can participate equally with men in setting public agendas; to facilitate connections among women in various sectors of higher education and with other organizations and networks with shared goals on the institutional, state, regional, professional, national, and international levels; and to foster strategic alliances and facilitate effective partnerships between women and men in the workplace.
We are offering three opportunities to connect with other women leaders for an informal professional planning session on October 16, 2024 at the following times: 
9:00 AM and 1:00 PM in Allen 310  or 11:00 AM via Zoom 

Register here to join us!  For more information, contact Sarah Tanner-Anderson at tannerandersonl@longwood.edu 

Dates: Tuesday/Thursday
Time: 11:30am-12:00 pm
Location: Zoom https://shorturl.at/5WIIr
We know from research that since COVID, instructors and staff are experiencing burnout at higher than average rates. One way to combat the exhaustion is to try mindfulness techniques. Join Renee Gutiérrez to create a pause in your day. All are welcome for a brief, guided meditation; no previous experience is required.

Join CAFE for Pomodoro sessions again this semester. All faculty and staff are welcome. The sessions use a focused cycle: set a goal, work towards it for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. You will repeat the cycle three times. Choose the session that fits your needs:

Work Session with Renee Gutiérrez

Mondays @ 1:00-2:30p (starting Sept. 9th)


Research Writing Session with Renee Gutiérrez

Thursdays @ 8:30-10:00 (starting Sept. 5th)


Wonderful Women @ Work (for women in leadership positions) with Pam Tracy

Mondays @ 8:30-10:00 (starting Sept. 9)



Thursday @ 1:00-2:30 (starting Sept.5)




Ensuring Democracy: The Integrity of U.S. Presidential Elections
Dr. Eric Hodges, Associate Professor of Political Science
When: October 22 @ 3:30-5:00
Location:  Wilson Chamber/Upchurch

With the November election rapidly approaching, it is important to understand the complex process of choosing the American President. In this talk, Dr. Hodges will discuss the mechanics of U.S. Presidential elections. Topics covered will include the Electoral College, state and local voting procedures, the rarity of voter fraud, and current court cases that might affect the election. After briefly covering these issues, we will open up the floor for Q&A. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend.

Faculty, if you’re considering integrating this event into your curriculum, we have a customizable assignment template prepared for you @ https://blogs.longwood.edu/cafeinstitute2016/assignment-ideas-and-templates/ 

En-light(e)ning Talks: Call for Proposals  
docemus docere - we teach to enlighten
Faculty and staff are invited to submit a proposal to present an En-light(e)ning Talk during the Rock the BROCK and Vote Days on October 23.  This series of short, informative, and fascinating lessons will begin on the hour or the half-hour, followed by an opportunity for Q and A.  Selected speakers will receive a $150 honorarium.

Presentations must meet the following stipulations:

  1. Precisely ten minutes in length
  2. Focused on an important (if little known) issue, idea, historical moment, biographical figure, text, scientific discovery, etc related to voting, the election and/or civic engagement.
  3. “In the spirit” of the election, but not advocacy for or against a particular candidate or party
  4. Directed at a generalist audience (TED talk format): substantive, informative, and interesting
  5. Not dependent on technology—beyond a microphone.

Interested? Please submit a brief (200 words) abstract of your idea and title for an “en-light(e)ning talk” to Pam Tracy @ tracypj@longwood.edu by the end of the day on October 14.

Election 2024 Resources
Lancers Vote-Voting 101 Canvas course @ https://longwood.instructure.com/enroll/WW3YTA

Updated CAFE blog @ https://blogs.longwood.edu/cafeinstitute2016/ with teaching and learning resources to facilitate thoughtful and inclusive conversations in the classroom on critical issues such as democracy, governance, and public policy.