a trauma-informed lens for addressing race-based incidents in the learning environment
A CAPS and CAFE collaboration
Friday, April 7 from 12:00-2:00pm; lunch provided
Registration information coming soon!

How can we take meaningful steps toward creating more socially equitable learning environments?  At predominately white universities, students of color continue to experience discrimination, social isolation, and psychological challenges throughout their educational experiences. For example, micro aggressions, conversations about race or racially-based issues, and stereotype threat take a toll and can affect their ability to learn.  In this two-hour workshop, Dr. Pearson-Wharton offers practical steps and guidance for educators to effectively address race-based trauma in learning spaces. 

Dr. Stacey-Wharton is the Dean of Health I Wellness and Director of the Counseling Center at Susquehanna University. She holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University and a Masters in Counselor Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 

Program provided by CAPS.  Funding for this workshop was made possible in part by grant number 5H79SM084035-02 from SAMHSA: Well Lancers: Creating a Culture of Well-Being with Expanded Mental Health Services. Lunch provided by the Center for Faculty Enrichment (CAFE)


Teaching for Civic Engagement
May 9, 2023
Registration information coming soon!

This week @ cafe


Backwards Design for Survey Design 
Date:  March 24, 2023 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Location:    via Zoom
Facilitator:  JoEllen Pederson, CAFE Faculty Consultant
Register:    link expired

In this workshop, we will discuss how to design survey questions to meet statistical objectives. Far too often, researchers design and implement surveys without considering what types of statistical analysis they want to use. Once data is collected, it is too late. The type of variables and analytical techniques often have many limitations. In this workshop, we will discuss strategies to write survey questions that create the most possibilities for analysis.  Bring your research ideas! As time permits, we will work through possibilities for your research questions. 


Faculty Mindfulness & Meditation Group

Please join us as we gather with friends and colleagues interested in meditation and mindfulness.  This group is open to all, from the never-before meditator to the well-practiced guru.  We will meet to share about our lives and sit for 1-2 brief meditation sessions.  The goal of these meetings is to build a community of mindful friends.  Any questions, please contact either Gregg Harbaugh-Schattenkirk or Kevin Schattenkirk-Harbaugh.
Mondays, 3:15 to 4:00pm
Allen 310 (CAFE lounge)

Tuesday and Thursday Meditations

Join Renee Gutiérrez for a short mediation session via Zoom.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30-11:50
Please join us during one of our meditation sessions.



Join CAFE for pomodoro sessions again this semester. All faculty and staff are welcome. The sessions use a focused cycle: set a goal, work towards it for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. You will repeat the cycle three times. Choose the session that fits your needs:  Research Writing Session: Thursdays @ 8:30-10:30am, via Zoom with Adam Franssen,

Work Session: Mondays @ 10:00-11:30, via Zoom with Renee Gutiérrez