Date: Thursday, April 14, 3:30-5:00pm
Location: Allen 308 (CAFE classroom)
Facilitator: Renee Gutiérrez

Panelists:         Shayla Betts, Asst. Professor of Social Work
Hollie MacDonald, Lecturer of Criminal Justice
Jonathan Page, Director Office of Multicultural Affairs
Registration: CLOSED

How can professors support student success as we approach the end of the semester and final exams/projects? What can we do to promote and model well-being in the classroom? A panel of educators will each share a go-to practice, and then we will have a conversation about tips, practices, and techniques.


END OF THE SEMESTER: WALKING for WELLBEING (for faculty and staff)

Date: Wednesdays, 3:45-4:45pm
Location: Health and Fitness Center Lobby
Facilitator: Adam Franssen

 The psychological benefits of exercise, including coping with stress, are well documented and some researchers include physical activity as one of the “Five Ways to Wellbeing.” To support your overall wellbeing approach, CAFE is teaming up with the Health and Fitness Center to offer a weekly Walking for Wellbeing session to help faculty cope with end-of-semester stress. Every Wednesday from April 6th to May 11th, please join us in the lobby of the Fitness Center to go on a ~30 minute, 2-mile walk. If you’d like to walk farther or cut the trip short, feel free to do so! If you feel like talking about your classes as we go, we can do that, but it isn’t a requirement.   



Join CAFE for pomodoro sessions again this semester. All faculty and staff are welcome. The sessions use a focused cycle: set a goal, work towards it for 25 minutes, and then take a five-minute break. You will repeat the cycle three times. Choose the session that fits your needs:
Research Writing Session: Tuesdays, 8:30-10:30am, via Zoom with Adam Franssen, https://longwood-edu.zoom.us/j/94415818418
Work Session: Fridays, 1:00-2:30pm via Zoom with Laura Jimenez and Pam Tracy, https://longwood-edu.zoom.us/s/99684993255



Please join us during one of our meditation sessions.
Short meditation session via Zoom. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-12:15, https://longwood-edu.zoom.us/j/94716220119?pwd=a0pmeU1ORGRyeTgyRitMUTJZblBkUT09
Faculty Meditation Group in person. Tuesday from 12:45pm-1:30pm, Allen Hall Faculty Lounge, Room 310



Did you know that CAFE has SIX faculty consultants? One-on-one appointments and/or group consultants available.  For more information, go to:  http://blogs.longwood.edu/longwoodcafe/faculty-consultants/