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Dr. Heather Lettner-Rust
Director Professor, Rhetoric & Professional Writing Grainger Hall G10 (434) 395-2162 lettnerrusthg@longwood.edu
Prof. Adam Paulek
CTZN 410 Coordinator Associate Professor, Ceramics Bedford G03 434-395-2462 paulekad@longwood.edu
Dr. Derek Taylor
CTZN 110 Coordinator Professor, 18th Century British Literature Grainger Hall 306 (434) 395-2748 taylored@longwood.edu
Dr. Elise Green
Writing Coord & English 165 Leader Assistant Professor, Rhetoric & Comp Grainger Hall 110 (434) 395-4908 greenea4@longwood.edu
Dr. Kris Paal
Speaking Coordinator Associate Prof, Communications Studies Allen Hall 215 (434) 395-4830 paalkm@longwood.edu
Natalie Browning
Information Literacy Leader Research Services Librarian Greenwood Library, Office 131 (434) 395-2447 browningnl@longwood.edu
Dr. Greg Mole
Historical & Contemporary Insights Leader Assistant Professor, History Allen Hall 114 (434) 395-2218 molegt@longwood.edu
Dr. Wade Edwards
Global Citizenship Leader Associate Dean, Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences Professor, Fin-de-siecle French Culture Rotunda 104 (434) 395-2205 edwardswa@longwood.edu
Dr. Lauren Rice
Aesthetic Expression Leader Associate Professor, Art Bedford 222 (434) 395-2287 riceld@longwood.edu
Dr. Kristen Boyle
Quantitative Reasoning Leader Assistant Professor, Mathematics East Rotunda 329 (434) 395-2184 boylekj@longwood.edu
Dr. Tyler St. Clair
Scientific Reasoning Leader Assistant Professor, Science Education Chichester 206 (434) 395-2289 stclairtl@longwood.edu
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Dr. Karen Feathers
Human Behavior & Social Institutions Category Leader Assistant Professor, Special Education 237 Hull (434) 395-2837 featherskh@longwood.edu
Dr. Adam Franssen
CAFE Representative, ex-officio Assoc. Prof, Biology & Assoc Dir CAFÉ Allen Hall 214 434-395-2199 franssenra@longwood.edu
Josh Blakely
Brock Experiences Rep, ad hoc Director, Brock Experiences Stevens 108 (434) 395-2691 blakelyjk@longwood.edu
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Dr. Robert Barnwell
Rep. of College of Business & Economics Assistant Professor, Marketing Hiner G15-8 (434) 395-2777 barnwellrw@longwood.edu
Dr. Linda Townsend
AIR Representative, ex-officio Director of Assessment 302E French (434) 395-4954 townsendlm@longwood.edu